THE CODE | Page 9





SECTION 1.1 : Jurisdiction of the USASF
The USASF has Jurisdiction to investigate and resolve allegations that a Member engaged in one or more of the following :
A .
Sexual Misconduct , including without limitation child sexual abuse and any misconduct that is reasonably related to an underlying
allegation of Sexual Misconduct ;
B .
Criminal charges or dispositions involving Child Abuse or Sexual Misconduct ;
C .
Misconduct related to reporting , where the underlying allegation involves Child Abuse or Sexual Misconduct ;
D .
Aiding and abetting when it relates to the USASF ’ s processes ;
E .
Misconduct related to the USASF ’ s processes ;
F .
Emotional and Physical Misconduct , including stalking , Bullying behaviors , hazing and harassment ;
G .
Non-sexual Child Abuse ;
H .
Criminal charges or dispositions not involving Child Abuse or Sexual Misconduct ;
I .
Other Prohibited Conduct , as outlined herein ;
J .
Abuse Prevention Policy or other similar Proactive Policy violations ; and / or
K .
Violations of the Compliance Policies .
If the USASF accepts jurisdiction , it will use the resolution procedures set forth in this Code . The USASF may reassess its jurisdictional decision at any time .
SECTION 1.2 : Jurisdiction of the Member Club
A . When allegations are presented to the Member Club , the Member Club should take necessary and appropriate measures , up to and including a suspension from the Club , to investigate and address any allegations of misconduct , as well as contacting the appropriate law enforcement agency , if necessary .
B . After the Member Club completes SubSECTION ( a ) above , the Member Club will immediately report to USASF the allegations of misconduct , as well as provide all documentation and / or information related to the allegations , including but not limited to contact information for all individuals / entities involved and report / case number : ( 1 ) received and / or created during the Member Club ’ s investigation ; and ( 2 ) provided to and / or received from the appropriate law enforcement agency .
C . If USASF expressly exercises jurisdiction over allegations regarding a particular Member , the USASF will issue a Notice of Investigation and Allegation ( NOIA ) to the Member and when applicable the Member Club , at which point the Member Club may implement any necessary safety plan ( s ) or Temporary Measure ( s ).