THE CODE | Page 32

SECTION 1.4 : Intake
A . USASF will review all reports to determine if allegations or circumstances : 1 . Mandate reporting to law enforcement or child protective services ; 2 . Are governed by the Conduct Regulations ; and / or 3 . Require imposition of Temporary Measures .
B . Matters involving more than one Claimant or more than one Respondent , may in the discretion of USASF , be consolidated into a single matter .
C . USASF , in its discretion , may allow reports of isolated violations of the Conduct Regulations to be resolved informally by USASF or the Member Club . Any informal resolution by the Member Club must include notice to the parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) of the affected Minor Athlete . Should a Member Club obtain additional information related to the previously-reported violation , physical , emotional or Child Abuse and / or any Sexual Misconduct the Club shall promptly report that information to USASF
D . USASF , in its discretion , will utilize this Procedure for any report it determines to be inappropriate for informal resolution by the Member Club , for example , reports of multiple and / or severe USASF Conduct Regulations . Notice will be given to the parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) of any affected Minor Athlete .


SECTION 2.1 : Initiating Response
When the USASF receives a report of allegations that fall within its Jurisdiction , it will begin the USASF Response and Resolution Process ( the Process ) by notifying the relevant Member ( s ), conducting a preliminary inquiry and if appropriate , undertaking an investigation to determine whether a Member violated the Conduct Regulations .
SECTION 2.2 : Participant Rights
A .
A Claimant has the right to :
1 .
Submit a Report anonymously ;
2 .
Receive notice of Temporary Measures imposed by USASF ;
3 .
Participate in the investigation and resolution without publicly disclosing their identity or experiences , except as
required by the USASF Process ; and
4 .
Have their parent or guardian present for any interviews , if Claimant is a Minor .
5 .
Receive notification of the resolution of the matter .
B .
A Witness has the right to :
1 .
Choose whether to participate in the investigation and resolution ; and
2 .
Participate in the investigation and resolution without publicly disclosing their identity or experiences , except as required by
the USASF Process .
C .
A Respondent has the right to :
1 .
Receive written Notice of Investigation and / or Allegations ;
2 .
Have an opportunity to be heard during the investigation ; and
3 .
Upon issuance of a decision to Ban or Suspend the Respondent , the Respondent has ten ( 10 ) business days to request an
appeal before the USASF .