THE CODE | Page 7

IN-CLUB CONTACT : Any contact ( including communications , interactions or activities ) between an Adult Participant and any Athlete ( s ) related to participation in All Star Cheer and / or Dance . Examples of In-Club Contact include , but are not limited to competition , practices , camps / clinics , training / instructional sessions , meals or outings , team travel , team- or sport-related relationship-building activities , celebrations , award ceremonies , banquets , team- or sport-related fundraising or community service , sport education or competition site visits .
INTIMATE OR ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP : A close personal relationship — other than a familial relationship — that exists independently and outside of the All Star Cheerleading and Dance relationship . Whether a relationship is intimate is based on the totality of the circumstances , including : Regular Contact or interactions outside of or unrelated to the All Star Cheerleading and Dance relationship ( electronically or in person ), the parties ’ emotional connectedness ; significant travel together sharing the same room ; the exchange of gifts ; ongoing physical or intimate contact or sexual activity ; identify as a couple ; and / or the sharing of sensitive personal information or intimate knowledge about each other ’ s lives outside the All Star Cheerleading and Dance relationship .
JUNIOR PERSONNEL : Any individual Member under the age of 18 years associated with and serves in an official capacity for the Member Club , who serves under the direct supervision of an adult .
JURISDICTION : Includes : any sanctioned Event or Functions ( including all travel and lodging in connection with the Event ) by USASF ; a Member Club ; or any facility that the Member Club or Member owns , leases or rents for practice , training or competition .
LEGAL CAPACITY : Minors , any individual under the age of 18 years , cannot Consent to conduct of a sexual nature . While the legal age of Consent varies under state and federal law , the age of capacity under the USASF policies and codes is 18 years .
MANDATORY REPORTER : An individual required by law to report , to the appropriate federal , state or local agencies , if they know , suspect or have reason to believe that Child Abuse is occurring . The list of “ Mandatory Reporters ” now includes any adult authorized to interact with a Minor Athlete at a sports organization , facility , Event or treatment .
MEMBER : Any individual or entity that has completed all eligibility requirements for the Member category . Any reference to “ Member ” in any USASF policy or code applies to all Membership categories , unless otherwise specified .
MEMBER ORGANIZATION : Any entity who is a USASF Member under the following Membership categories : Event Producer , Club , Affiliate and / or Associate .
MINOR ATHLETE : Any individual who is a USASF Member who is or will be on a team representing a USASF Member Club and is under the age of 18 years during the current Membership term ( collectively , with Adult Athlete , referred to as “ Athlete ”).
MINOR OR CHILD : An individual who is , or is believed to be , under the age of 18 years .
OBSERVABLE AND INTERRUPTIBLE : Able to be seen and / or heard by another adult and another adult must be able to interrupt the interaction easily .
OFFICIAL WARNING : Written communication that the USASF found the Respondent violated one or more USASF policies and / or codes . The Member has no eligibility restrictions .
ONE-ON-ONE INTERACTION / CONTACT : Interactions , meetings and / or training between a Minor Athlete and one Adult Participant ( who is not the Minor Athlete ’ s parent / guardian ), which is not within an Observable and Interruptible distance from another adult .
OUT-OF-CLUB CONTACT : Any One-on-One contact between an unrelated Adult Participant and Minor Athlete , which is not pertaining to In-Club activities , Functions or Events ( e . g ., trips , meals or gifts without any direct correlation to All Star Cheer and / or Dance activities ).
PERSONNEL : Any individual non-coaching Member who is 18 years of age or older associated with and serves in an official capacity for the Member Club .
POWER IMBALANCE : A power imbalance may exist where , based on the totality of the circumstances , one person has supervisory , evaluative or other Authority over another . Whether there is a power imbalance depends on several factors , including but not limited to : the nature and extent of the supervisory , evaluative or other Authority over the person ; the actual relationship between the parties ; the parties ’ respective roles ; the nature and duration of the relationship ; the age of the parties involved ; whether there is an aggressor ; and / or whether there is a significant disparity in age , size , strength or mental Capacity .
Once a Coach-Athlete relationship is established , a Power Imbalance is presumed to exist throughout the Coach-Athlete relationship ( regardless of age ) and is presumed to continue for Minor Athletes after the Coach-Athlete relationship terminates until the Athlete reaches 20 years of age .