The Coconut Oil Secret PDF / Book Nature's #1 best healing superfood | Page 25
transported through the whole body
first and does not end up as fat in the
blood, but remains accessible fat that
can be used to power the body.
MCTs also increase the rate at which
the body burns fuel for energy. When
“During the past 20 years, you look at the lean and trim bodies
there has been a dramatic of people living in the tropics—who
increase in obesity in the make coconut a staple in their diets—
United States and rates remain this makes a lot of sense.
high. In 2010, no state had a
prevalence of obesity less than
20%. Thirty-six states had a
prevalence of 25% or more;
12 of these states (Alabama,
Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri,
Oklahoma, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Texas, and West
Virginia) had a prevalence of
30% or more.”—
US Centers for Disease Control
A well-known population study
conducted in the South Pacific
islands of Pukapuka and Tokelau,
located close to New Zealand, began
in the 1960s before the areas had
been exposed to refined foods from
the West. People living in these
areas ate only traditional foods and
coconut was consumed at each meal
in one way or another.
For these islanders, 50 to 60 percent
of their calories came from fat, most
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