The Coconut Oil Secret PDF / Book Nature's #1 best healing superfood | Page 19
6 6 Anti-protozoa—kills protozoan infection in the gut.
6 6 Antiviral—kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles,
AIDS, hepatitis and more.
6 6 Improves nutrient absorption—really easy to digest and makes
nutrients readily available.
6 6 Safe and nontoxic
6 6 No side effects
Lauric, Capric and Caprylic Acid
Half of the fat in coconut oil is comprised of a fat that is not frequently
found in nature, lauric acid. Lauric acid has been called a “miracle” ingre-
dient due to its health promoting capabilities, and is present in a mother’s
milk. In fact, it can be found in only three dietary sources—small amounts
in butterfat and larger amounts in palm kernel and coconut oils.
In the body, lauric acid is converted to monolaurin, which is a potent anti-
viral, antibacterial and antiprotozoal substance. Because monolaurin is a
monoglyceride, it can destroy lipid-coated viruses including measles, influ-
enza, HIV, herpes and a number of pathogenic bacteria.
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