The Clone Wars Issue 1 | Page 9

The Force can enhance natural abilities, physical and mental health, including strength (such as during a "Force jump" or to slow a fall from an otherwise dangerous height) and accuracy. A number of other Force powers are demonstrated in the film series including telekinesis, telepathy, levitation, deep hypnosis, enhanced empathy, reflexes, precognition, and faster speed. The Jedi were also able to influence and control the minds of others, making use of the Jedi mind trick.

The Sith use an ability called Force Lightning, which is a manifestation of lightning as the dark side of the Force that can be used either in combat or as an instrument of excruciating torture. The Force also offers advanced knowledge in lightsaber combat.

Within the Star Wars Expanded Universe, a number of other powers have been demonstrated, such as the ability to heal or drain the life force of others, increase resistance to attack, warp space and to dissipate energy attacks.