Héroes invisibles
when he was in the forest with his mother, she says a phrase that Luis in that moment could understand, but now he could understand his mother's wise words. Her phrase was “ hate will lead you to nothing, or at least not to something good, but also in turn, hate is linked to love, hating a person, makes you be hated, love and you will be loved” those words started to sound in Luis mind to the point that he started to cry. His father looked at him with a face of concern, after that, he hugged his son and started to eat a meal. When Luis was going back to Canada, his father started to have tears in his cheeks, Luis hugged him and made a promise to him to cure the virus that is causing the pandemic to be able to come back to live with him. After that, Luis left his father in his house and he went to the airport to fly back to Canada.
When he was in the airport of Toronto, Luis met a woman whose name was Sophia. Sophia was a scientist that was trying to find the antidote for the COVID-19, but by the time, she is trying to get some scientist to help her in this fight, and also, she was trying to travel to United States because is the country most affected by this virus, but unfortunately, all flights were cancelled to prevent the expansion of the virus in the differents countries, so she only can stay in Canada to find the cure, and when she find it, send it to United States to make replies and to safe the most possible people. Luis told her that he is also a scientist that was combating with the COVID-19, and that he was in the last flight that was from Canada to Colombia because he was visiting his father. Sophia told him if we would be his partner ,think that Luis answered yes, both of them went to Sophia’s house, and started again to investigate how the system of the virus works to find something to cure this. Sophie and Luis started to get closer each day that Luis visited her, to the point that both of them started to feel love for each other, but neither of them had dared to express their feelings.
After 3 months and 2 weeks of the pandemic, many countries started to make quarantine to prevent the expansion of this virus, between this time, Luis and Sophia gets closer to the antidote for the COVID-19, but temporarily. One night, Luis was in Sophia’s house trying to get a definitive cure, when Sophia says
- Luis, I had been thinking about us and…
- And?
-Well, I know that this is the worst moment to say this because the pandemic and the antidote
-To say what??
-Well, feel something, but I was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same
-What do you feel for me
In that moment, Sophia was surprised and happy that her feelings corresponded, but Luis was scared because he didn’t know what Sophia will say, so after a long silence where both of them were so nervous, Sophia decide to show to Luis her feelings
-Luis, I have to say something to you…
In that moment, the whole world stood to Luis that was excited and so nervous to her answer