Héroes invisibles
Now that everyone is in a thought situation, Tomás saw the opportunity for helping during this pandemic and as a result of the quarantine he had a lot of time to accomplish his purpose of helping people. He felt lonelier and lonelier every day and had to attend online classes; which are a completely new idea of education that everybody had to adapt to. Maybe all that time to think could be bad, we could arrive at conclusions we don't want to understand, but on the other hand, it could be good, we could have some time in order to discover and improve ourselves. After going through bad times thinking more about his life and the lives of others, he was in the need to help people around him.
As a normal citizen, he was able to understand the effects that staying at home brings to the environment. By watching the news he could reflect on the pollution and abuse humans give to animals, habitats, and many more things. As he watched them, he knew and was aware of the damage humans do to the environment, so he decided he would try to communicate this knowledge to everyone. After reflecting for all that time, he had an idea on how to help, he understood that an average citizen can be a hero like any other.
That was the moment where our hero´s journey began; his purpose was clear, he had to communicate his idea. The first group of people he had to try to convince was his family. He needed to make sure that they understood the responsibility of all the actions and decisions they took. He started asking for donations for a group of homeless people and for their workers. -I should remind the readers that Tomás´s parents were the owners of their own company-. Fortunately, they had an open mind as Tomás´s and they accepted the proposal; for an amount of money to be given to a beneficial campaign that fought against COVID-19 and cared about the protection of homeless people.
That act would spread fast, his parents would tell their friends, their friends to their own families, and more. But that wasn't enough, some people with low intelligence were going out without a face mask; those people were giving an easier pathway to the virus. Fortunately, technology nowadays has been a really good information source; if Tomás, his family, and his friend cs shared that information, at least some people would understand and help maybe just with some food, or helping aged people with their needs, etc.
Today, on top of this pandemic situation, everyone needs to comply with their work problems and have to stay at home to decrease the spread of the virus. Many of these people have to watch over and care for the people and members of their families; often children or older adults. Some citizens also struggle to help other families, making or helping with chores to houses with older or less able adults, donating money to families in need, and other actions. There are still people without this information, and people who won't understand the importance of a facemask or other sanitary care methods.