THE CLAPPER 2018-2019 | Page 51

in pictures What shape is my molecule? Linear O C O H H S O O How many O atoms or groups does the central atom H have? O …two atoms or groups No Does the central atom have an additional lone pair H of electrons? 2– Cl Ni Cl C H O H C H S O Cl Cl Cl Yes C Bent O Cl Co Cl H H O O Pd Cl 2– S O O …four atoms or groups Cl Cl O C O C NC O Ni C O S O Cl Ni Cl O Cl S O Cl H H C H H 2– Download this poster at Cl Ni 2– Cl Cl Cl Cl Co Cl Cl Cl H H O H H O S O NC O NC Ni 2– H C Co H Cl 2– Cl H Cl O Pd Cl H H H C Cl NC 2– Cl NC CN Fe CN C S 2– H Ni Cl O Cl NC S 2– O B Co Cl CN NC F F NC Cl Cl F C CN Ni CN N Cl Cl H Cl Cl N O NC NC O H H O CN 2– H Cl Pd F Cl 2– Cl No Cl O 2– C Fe Cl 2– CN 2+ Cl Pd Cl Cl 2– CN Cl Pd Cl Cl B F C 2– H H O H O O O H N C CN CN Square planar H O H F CN 2+ Ni B F F CN F B F F O 2– C N H H O Trigonal planar F O C O 2– O F O N H C H H H N H O H C H S F B O 2– O Cl F Pd Cl O 2– Cl O Cl CN NC CN B Fe F NC F CN CN 2– O 2– C O S 2– O O F O C B F O 2– O Trigonal pyramidal N C NC H O H NC CN 2+ 2– Ni O O NC 2– CN N H S H O H O O NC N H 2– H Cl S H Cl O NC O CN O 3+ NH 3 2– CN S H 3 N NH 3 O O N Co O C H 3 N NH 3 N NH 3 C O F 2– Yes S NC Fe H N CN H H CN S O O O 2– C N Cl Cl N 2– Cl CN H Fe O 2– Cl C NC CN H CN 2+ O NC Co N C Cl Pd CN Cl H Ni Fe Cl C O CN 2– CN 2+ NC NC C CN Cl Cl CN 2– Ni H Cl H CN F F – H Cl Pd CN Cl CN NC NC CN Fe H 2– NH 3+ NC CN Co C Cl 2+ Cl F F – NC CN Fe CN F P F NC Cl CN 2– 3 Fe NC Cl H Ni NC NC NH 3 Cl H 3 N H CN Co CN F F H F N P H F CN NC Co Fe CN Cl H NC H Ni ClCl 2+ 2– NC Cl CN H 3 N Cl NH 3 NC CN Cl Cl 2– 2– Cl F F CN C CN Ni Cl NH present) CN 3 on the species Cl (depending Pd N NC Fe Cl CN CN NC Co CN NC N C CN 2– Ni S Cl 2– Fe Cl Cl Cl C O N Cl Cl Cl O NC CN NC NC Fe CN CN Cl O NC CN CN Co N Cl NC C CN Fe Cl Cl NC NC CN 2+ C CN CN Dux assists with inorganic research in the Department of Chemistry NC Emma Fe Ni CN 3+ N NH 3 F F – at the University of York and is a sub-editor for C hemistry R eview CN C CN NC NC 3+ H 3 N NH 3 NH 3 N F F – CN F P F NC Fe Co CN H 3 N NH 3 H 3 N NH N NC CN 3 F P F Co F F NC C NH 3 Fe C NH 3 N H 3 N NC F F CN 3+ NH 3 – NH 3 CN F F C CN NH 3 H 3 N 3+ – N NH 3 F P F F F NC Fe Co NH CN H 3 N H 3 N 3 NH 3 F F F P F NC NH 3 Co 3+ H 3 N NH 3 F F – F NH F 3 NH 3 H 3 N NH 3 C F P F Co 3+ – NH 3 F NH N H 3 N F 3 F F H 3 N NH 3 NH 3 F P F Co H 3 N NH 3 F F NH 3 Cl H O C Cl O Cl F O O …six atoms or groups O N H F Does the central atom B F F have an additional lone O 2– pair of electrons? O C F O 2– Cl CN 2+ CN NC 2– O H H O S O C H O H Cl H O Cl O S O O C H H H O 2– H H Cl Ni Cl ChemistryReviewExtras …three atoms or groups F B F O Tetrahedral H O H O O O C O Cl Cl Cl Cl Ni 2– Cl Cl Cl Octahedral Common Ion Effect on Completely Soluble Salts H 3 N H 3 N NH 3 Co NH 3 3+ NH 3 NH 3 F F P F F – F F Salts of ions -like NO3-, Na + , K + , NH4 + - that dissolve via reactions that go to completion are called completely soluble salts. Generally a substance will dissolve in a solvent if the intermolecular forces in the solute and solvent are similar. There are two factors that affect solubility of a salt: temperature and the presence of other solutes (Common Ion Effect). On a broad term the common ion affect involves a solution and solute in equilibrium (saturated), adding a common ion (an ion that is found in both the solute and the externally added salt) decreases the solubility of the salt. (Lumen, n.d.). The mechanism can be summarized as follows: References: Mani, S. and Bharagava, R.N., 2016. Exposure to crystal violet, its toxic, genotoxic and carcinogenic effects on envi- ronment and its degradation and detoxification for environ- mental safety. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 237: 71-104. Saha, P., Chowdhurt, S., Gupta, S. and Kumar, I., (2010). Insi- ght into adsorption equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamics of Malachite Green onto clayey soil of Indian origin. Chemical Engineering Journal, 165: 874–882. Singh, H., Chauhan, G., Jain, A.K. and Sharma, S.K., 2017. Ad- sorptive potential of agricultural wastes for removal of dyes from aqueous solutions. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5: 122-135. İdil BÜYÜKGÖLCİGEZLİ 9- D Figure 1.1: How Common Ion Effect Mechanism Works In this investigation, completely soluble salts NaCl and KCl which both have Cl- ions are used. For the common ion effect, a saturated KCl solution is prepared by dissolving excess KCl with water. Different amounts of NaCl are added to the solution and the change in the solubility of the solution is measured with the conductivity probe. The experiment was approached with an environmentally and ethically caring viewpoint as situations threatening human health and investigations on living organisms were strongly avoided, as appropriate to the ethical THE CLAPPER 2018 - 2019 51 to remove these dyes from peripheral water bodies, to which they are released from textile and press factories (Mani ve Bharagava, 2016). Firstly, Pyracantha coccinea fruits were collected from a local garden and they were cleaned out from non- experimental parts. The fruits were later washed with distilled water, dried and ground. Then, the model solutions of Safranin O and Crystal Violet dyes were prepared. The absorption peaks of the model solutions were measured using an Ultraviolet- Visible Region Biradial Spectrophotometer. These absorption peaks showed the characteristic wavelengths of the dyes used and further studies were conducted using those wavelengths. Then, equal amounts of Pyracantha coccinea biomass were added to samples from the model solutions and the mixtures were incubated at 150 rpm speed and at room temperature. The samples were then centrifuged and were exposed to spectrophotometric measurements. The intensity of the absorption peaks measured are directly proportional to the concentration of dye in the liquid part of the sample. Then, the percentage efficiency of the removal of dyes were calculated using a simple mathematical formula. The decrease in the absorption peak intensity can be explained by the decreasing dye concentration, due to the dye removal by the biosorbent. Hence, it is possible to say that the dye removal had occurred. The findings showed that Pyracantha coccinea could be used as a biosorbent in the removal of Safranin O and Crystal Violet dyes. 100% of Safranin O and 87.67% of Crystal Violet were removed by the Pyracantha coccinea biomass in the first trial and further studies for finding the optimum circumstances were performed.