THE CLAPPER 2018-2019 | Page 36

Happy Pi Day! On the sixteenth of March, prep students went to school to celebrate the pi day. For the first forty minutes of the program, students gathered in the conference room of the school and watched some interesting videos about pi. We learned many facts about the pi number. They were amazing. class, and they again assigned us to three groups. Guide students gave paper puzzles, to each group and started timing. Puzzles were different from each other, which creatied an injustice between groups, for example, some of them comprised the numbers of and soma were pi different shapes. Nevertheless, it was excellent to compete against both time and other groups. Then, our guide teachers assigned us to three groups in different classes. There were guide students in each 36 THE CLAPPER 2018 - 2019 After we finished the puzzle activity, we had a little break and started to prepare for our next activity. In different groups, we started a new activity. The activity was to