The Civil Engineering Contractor September 2018 | Page 34
Project updates courtesy of Leads 2 Business.
Conceptual Design
Infrastructure Consultancy
Rwanda Côte d’Ivoire
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is interested
in procuring consulting services to create a pre-feasibility
study to commercialise certain tourism opportunities
in Rwanda. The bid calls for a detailed environmental
assessment and high-quality conceptual drawings to
promote the site to potential investors — ones that blend
into the character of the destination while also representing
something cutting edge, innovative, and best-in-town.
Rwanda’s national tourism master plan has identified
several potential tourism products throughout the country
and plans to connect secondary cities to domestic markets
and the eastern DRC, to stimulate investments and create a
national tourism circuit. A diagnostic and market assessment
carried out in early 2016 by the IFC, indicated a number of
destinations along the Kivu Belt, Nyungwe National Park,
and the Karongi, which hold the greatest short-term potential
for investment generation and tourism development. Expressions of interest have been invited for consultancy
services for technical studies of joint border posts linking Côte
d’Ivoire and Guinea, and Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia along the
Tabou-Harper and Danane-Lola road sections, respectively.
The Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, Republic of Liberia, and
Republic of Guinea have received financing from the African
Development Group towards the cost of road development
and a transport facilitation programme of the Mano River
Union (MRU). It is intended to apply part of the proceeds
of the loan for eligible payments under the contract for
consultancy services for the design of joint border posts.
The Economic Community of West African State (Ecowas)
Commission, on behalf of the joint technical committee, constitutes
representatives from ministries in charge of public works in
the three countries and the MRU secretariat, invites eligible
consultants (consulting firms specialising in transport infrastructure
engineering) to indicate their interest in providing these services.
Tender Tender
Infrastructure Consultancy
Uganda Zambia
Uganda has invited eligible bidders involved in oil and
gas for the provision of enabling infrastructure works
— CFT Packages 2 to 5 for the Tilenga Upstream
Development Project in Uganda. The Tilenga oil and
associated gas development is located to the north-
east of Lake Albert, covering fields in EA 1 and EA
2 North. The major surface facilities developments
include: a) a central processing facility with integrated
facilities; b) approximately 30 drilling well pads and
piping networks; c) accommodation camps and storage
areas; d) Victoria Nile River crossing (piping and ferry
crossing); e) water abstractions area and pipeline
from Lake Albert to CPF; f) associated supporting
infrastructure such as roads, airstrips, and helipads. The Government of the Republic of Zambia has received
financing from the International Development Association
towards the cost of a Zambian mining and environment
remediation and improvement project. The government intends
to apply part of the proceeds of the financing to cover payments
under the proposed contract for consultancy services for the
‘Design and Supervision of Concrete Lining of the Kabwe Main
Canal and Landscaping of the Canal Corridor in Kabwe District’.
The main objectives of this assignment include: undertaking
field survey to identify areas for inclusion to achieve project
objectives; preparing detailed engineering design for concrete
lining of the unlined section of the Kabwe Mine Canal to improve
hydrological flow; and preparing detailed architectural design
for landscaping of 7.5m on either side of the edge of the canal.
32 - CEC September 2018