The Civil Engineering Contractor November 2018 | Page 42
n 2017, installed cement production capacity in South
Africa stood at 20-million tons versus a local demand
of about 13-million tons. This dire situation has been
aggravated by the flooding of the South African market,
especially the coastal areas, with cheap cement from Asian
countries. These increased by 29% year-on-year in 2017
to more than 500 000 tons in 2017, as opposed to almost
400 000 tons in 2016.
The entire industry is expected to remain under pressure
this year, considering the contraction of the economy by
as much as 2.2% in the first quarter. At the same time,
the construction industry experienced its fifth consecutive
quarter of decline, losing R1.7-billion in value since the
last quarter of 2016, struggling for survival in an extremely
cautious economy that has brought many large state-driven
civil engineering infrastructure and private sector property
developments to a grinding halt, and a number of contractors
have gone into business rescue or liquidation.
There has also been an excessive over-supply of cement
in South Africa. In 2017, the price of cement declined
to levels last seen in 2009, when the bulk of many of the
civil- and structural components of large infrastructure and
development projects were nearing completion in time to
host the FIFA Soccer World Cup the following year. This is a
far cry from the construction boom period between 2002 and
2007, when cement demand outstripped available production
capacities and South African producers achieved EBITDA
margins of between 30% and 40%.
It was during this period that local cement producers
also substantially bolstered available production capacities to
supply a burgeoning demand for the construction material.
At least two domestic producers embarked on large capital-
expenditure expansion programmes, while another took a
more cautious approach by focusing on improving efficiencies
at its existing operations to supply the high demand for this
construction material.
Meanwhile, their international counterparts also started
taking a serious look at South Africa as a prime investment
destination as the country’s government prioritised alleviating
the growing backlog in transport, energy, water, and social
infrastructure. Two new international participants would
later enter the country to start producing cement to also
supply those much-anticipated mega projects enshrined in the
National Development Plan.
Similar to many other industrial and manufacturing sectors,
cement producers are grappling with rising input costs.
Established companies with older clinkering and grinding
stations are more exposed to increasing electricity prices
40 | CEC November 2018
Concrete partnerships
help survive construction
Cargo Carriers’ Powders operations has consistently achieved
a more than 98% scoring for on-time deliveries in 2017 on the
back of improved operational effi ciencies, driver safety, and
customer turnaround times.
compared to their younger competitors with new and more
efficient plants in this energy-intensive industry. This is being
exacerbated by the diesel fuel hikes, which directly affects
cement transportation operations.
In this environment, road transportation has always been a
substantial contributor towards the delivered price of cement,
and it is unlikely that these increases will be able to be passed
on to the consumer in an already heavily saturated market.
Cargo Carriers has a long and impressive track record
using fuel efficiently to lower operating costs. The company
continues to advance information technology to constantly
monitor the efficient use of diesel, complemented by ongoing
driver training and a robust fleet maintenance and replacement
regime that place fuel efficiency on top of the agenda.
In addition, Cargo Carriers has demonstrated its long-
term commitment to this industry through its willingness
to invest in necessary logistics infrastructure as a strategic
partner to many of its cement-producing customers, thereby
enabling South Africa’s embattled cement producers to focus
on improving operational efficiencies to ensure their survival.
These efficiencies involve partnering only with reputable
road-freight logistics companies that have an intricate
understanding of the nature of their operating environment
to assist them in developing more efficient and cost-effective
ways of delivering cement to where it is needed.
Cargo Carriers, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange-
listed supply-chain specialist, has nurtured a close working
relationship with most of the country’s cement producers
over many years, and this has allowed the company to commit
the necessary capital to support ongoing innovation in the
transportation of cement.
A sound case in point is the deployment of cutting-
edge technologies, such as on-board systems, to significantly
improve supply-chain visibility for these customers. They
are serviced by the Powders operations, which consistently
achieved a more than 98% scoring for on-time deliveries in
2017 on the back of improved operational efficiencies, driver
safety, and customer turnaround times.nn