The Civil Engineering Contractor June 2019 | Page 36
Procedural Tender
Residential Provision of professional
engineering services
KwaZulu-Natal Northern Cape
Environmental authorisation for construction of phase
2 of Gowrie Farm Estate, located on Erf 1065 of
Nottingham Road which is situated within the uMngeni
Local Municipality and the uMgungundlovu District
Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal, has been applied for.
Phase 2 will include 29 residential sites, nine hotel rooms,
12 garages, a day spa, an additional seven golf holes and
greens and one fairway. The timing is from 2019 onwards. Tenders have been invited from suitable experienced
firms with appropriately qualified personnel to provide
professional civil and electrical engineering services in
the municipal area of Kai !Garib Municipality for a period
of three years. Only tenderers who satisfy the eligibility
criteria stated in the tender conditions and tender data
are eligible to submit tenders.
Tenders will be evaluated in two stages - firstly
eligibility and functionality will be assessed, whereafter
all qualifying tenders will be evaluated in accordance
with the approved preferential procurement policy of Kai
!Garib Municipality. The contract is classified as a large
contract and the 80/20 point system will be used for
evaluation of the contract.
The previous application for environmental authorisation
was withdrawn due to the need for additional information.
This new application has since been applied for. The draft
basic assessment report has been completed and is
available for review and comment. A copy of the report
has been made available for viewing at the Gowrie Farm
Estate Homeowners Association office in Nottingham
Road, KwaZulu-Natal. Alternatively, a copy has been
added as a project document.
Design Conceptual
Road infrastructure Mining Infrastructure
KwaZulu-Natal Rwanda
Sanral has awarded the tender for the design of the
upgrade to national route 2 section 27 from Ballito from
km 7.40 to Tinley Manor Interchange at km 18.93. This
project is in the province of KwaZulu-Natal and in the
District Municipality of Ilembe. It has been awarded to a
joint venture between Nyeleti Consulting and Jeffares &
Green. The design work has commenced.
The civil engineer is J G Afrika. Sanral is committed
to transformation, employment equity and staff
advancement, and to supporting black economic
empowerment. The primary criterion in selection, apart
from costs, would be the degree to which the tenderer
can demonstrate appropriate knowledge and expertise. A
further consideration was the equity profile of the tenderer
in management, ownership and implementation. Only
tenderers with a B-BBEE contributor status level of 1, 2,
3 or 4, were eligible to tender. Only tenderers with at least
eight years of practical post graduate experience as an
environmental practitioner were eligible to submit tenders.
It was an advantage for the tenderer to be registered with
the Environmental Division of the South African Council of
Natural Science Professions (SACNASP) and/or any other
recognised environmental professional body. Desert Gold has announced a major step forward in the
development of the company's Byumba gold project,
for which it has a commercial mining licence. Along with
the mining licence application, the company submitted
a plan of operation to the Rwandan Ministry of Natural
Resources. The company is pleased to announce that
MINIRENA, in co-operation with the State Department
of Geology and Mines, has accepted the company’s
proposal. The Byumba Project is 20km north of the
capital of Kigali in Rwanda, accessible by tarred and
gravel roads all year round. The topography of the permit
areas is characterised by rugged hills with flat ground in
some of the valleys. Valley sides can be steep, especially
in the south-western permit area. The elevation ranges
from 1 000m to 2 000m. Desert Gold’s Byumba property
is located in the northern half of the Great Lakes sub-
province, one of the world’s principal Precambrian
orogenic-metallogenic provinces.
The Rwandan government has issued Desert Gold with
commercial gold mining licence, valid for a period of 10
years with an option to renew. As of September 2018, the
company incurred USD20 670 for the maintenance of the
mining license in Rwanda.
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