The Civil Engineering Contractor February 2019 | Page 25

TECHNOLOGY shown an increase in ‘good’ and ‘very good’ sections. “A slight improvement in the paved provincial network score is due to the shifting from ‘fair–good’ in 2011 to ‘good–very good’ in Gauteng. Over 90% of sections in the Western Cape are either ‘fair’, ‘good’ or ‘very good’, maintaining their standard. However, the condition in other provinces remains precarious or is deteriorating. There is a risk of further deterioration due to vehicle overloading, poor maintenance, and the reduction of skilled personnel in provincial departments. “Regarding municipal roads, data on asset management is difficult to come by, even for municipalities that might have sound practices in place for their road systems. A particular issue is the difficulty in discovering to what extent monitoring is conducted and, if it is, to what extent this is used for effective asset management. “South African gravel roads constitute 75% of the road network. There has been some improvement in the Western Cape, contrasted with extraordinary deterioration in the North West Province. Due to neglect, gravel roads are generally in a very unhealthy condition, with between just 2% and 12% in the ‘good’ to ‘very good’ condition, depending on the province. By contrast, the ‘poor’ to ‘very poor’ condition applies to 40% to 90% of the category,” the report states. The dearth of road projects is at least in part due to the collapse of the user-pays model in Gauteng — a very controversial topic, but a real challenge that requires workable solutions as soon as possible. CoreSlab was extensively involved in the construction of two new bridges over the Molototsi River in the Mopani District, on behalf of the Roads Agency of Limpopo. Sanral sees project pipeline tail off N4 toll road between the M17 Garankuwa and R512 Brits interchanges. Skhumbuzo Macozoma, CEO of Sanral, speaking at last year’s SAFCEC Annual National Conference, provided an outline of the hold-ups in the road project pipeline. “Supply chain reforms in government have sought to CEC February 2019 | 23