The Civil Engineering Contractor August 2018 | Page 40
South Africa not
at peace
By Eamonn Ryan
The Institute of Economics and Peace places South Africa as the least peaceful country
in southern Africa, behind the likes of Zimbabwe and only ahead of sub-Saharan African
countries that are actual war zones or with presidents refusing to budge.
outh Africa ranks a lowly 125th out of 163 countries
in a report published on 6 June by the Institute of
Economics and Peace. That places it the least peaceful
country in southern Africa. Yet we are surrounded by
countries that rank relatively high: Botswana ranks just
behind Mauritius in second place and 20th in the world;
also in the top ten are the southern African countries of
Madagascar (4th and 38th, respectively), Namibia (6th and
43rd), Malawi (7th and 44th), Zambia (8th and 48th), and
Tanzania (9th and 51st).
38 - CEC August 2018
South Africa’s score barely changed during the year, while
West Africa is home to six of the top seven biggest improvers,
including the Gambia, which scored the world’s largest
improvement after Yahya Jammeh was voted out of power at
the end of 2016.
The report states: “Sub-Saharan Africa’s regional ranking
remained unchanged at number six, despite a slight
deterioration in its overall score. The largest regional
improvements were in terrorism impact, perceptions of
criminality, violent crime, neighbouring countries relations,