Being a New Yorker, seeing homeless people is an everyday thing but we still do nothing about it. Homelessness is caused by many things but the main reason why rates are so high is because of unemployment, which sometimes even leads to foreclosure of homes. Because of unemployment, it's hard for people to afford health care, food, or pay for housing. According to statistics, there is a larger amount of homeless families than there are single homeless adults. We ponder about why the government isn’t doing enough and it is evident that the government isn’t doing enough because homeless rates are constantly increasing and is at the highest point that it has ever been since the Great Depression. According to Coalition for the homeless, it states that in June of 2013 about 53,270 people were homeless which includes both homeless families, and also children. In New York, it's becoming harder to rent an apartment
because prices have increased and minimum wage is just not enough for other living expenses.People are not able to afford a rental apartment with the minimum wage which is $7.25. According to personal research, in a 2008 report, eleven out of nineteen cities reported an increase in unemployed homeless people. There are also other reasons why people are homeless such as the like lack of affordable health care, mental illness, and addiction disorders like alcoholism or drug abuse. Based on observations, many homeless people in New York are usually single adults and they are mainly men. Studies showed that there are more single males who are homeless than females and this study is valid because men are the providers and mainly the ones who have jobs. As a result of homelessness for long periods of time, many people become alchololics, drug abusers, or mentally ill. Going back to the main reason of homelessness,