The Citizen | Page 66

P a g e | 66 What would make you want to stay in Sangamon County? 60 degree weather all year long. 60,000 dollars a year. A better job. Affordable safe housing A lot of things Better school, job, safety Better Business environment and better employment. Better economy Better food choices and shopping. Better Government Better house Better improvement in the city Better job opportunities Better job opportunities. Better job that pays more money Better jobs. Better nursing programs in Springfield Better paying job Better school system Better schools, better airport, clean infrastructure, cleaner community Better weather Better weather Better work environment for wife and improvement in sidewalks and libraries. Born and raised here Business friendly Cheaper taxes and housing; cost of living is a big issue. Child to finish their high school education Close proximity to medical facilities Closer to work Cold conditions Couldn’t tell me Divorced ourselves from the state of Illinois Don’t know Employment Employments Family in the area Family only Family, house and community Financially viable.