The Citizen | Page 61

P a g e | 61 Environment How big of a problem, if at all, is litter/improper trash disposal in each of the following areas? Is it a big problem, a small problem, or not a problem at all? Starting with Sangamon County? A big problem A small problem Not a problem at all DON’T KNOW REFUSED 30.9% 48.1% 17.7% 3.3% 0% In your community? A big problem A small problem Not a problem at all DON’T KNOW REFUSED 17.7% 40.2% 41.9% 0.2% 0% And on your street? A big problem A small problem Not a problem at all DON’T KNOW REFUSED 55.2% 34.5% 4.2% 3% 1.1% Do you happen to recycle at your home? Yes 11% No 23.5% DON’T KNOW 65.3% REFUSED 0.1% Recently, there have been proposals to consolidate local waste management services in Sangamon County. Do you support or oppose this proposal? Support 43.1% Oppose 38% DON’T KNOW 18.5% REFUSED 0.3% Do you have access to a community garden? If not, does your community need access to one? Have access 16.8% No access and needs access 26.1% No access and doesn’t need 50.6% access DON’T KNOW 6.5% REFUSED 0.1%