The Citizen | Page 17

P a g e | 17 KEY FINDINGS:  Sangamon County residents report improvements in their overall health status.  Eighty-nine percent of residents have a primary health care provider.  Ninety-six percent of those interviewed for the 2015 Sangamon County Citizen’s survey report currently having health insurance. The 2013 Sangamon County Citizen’s survey results found 91 percent of those interviewed were covered by insurance.  Sangamon County residents report being physically active. Eighty-five percent report engaging in physical activity in the past 30 days.  Of all the males who took the survey, 35 percent report that they’ve had at least one poor physical health day in the last 30 days; for females the rate was 46 percent. The difference was similar when asked about mental health in the last 30 days, with 11 percent of the males report having had one bad day. This compares to 19 percent for females. 60% Sangamon County Residents' Health Status 53% 50% 40% 30% 20% 40% 39% 29% 15% 18% 10% 0% 2015 survey 2013 survey At least one day with poor physical health At least one day with poor mental health At least one day in which you were kept from usual activities When asked about their health in the past 30 days, 40 percent report there was at least one day in which their physical health was not good, 15 percent report at least one day in which their mental health was not good, and 29 percent report there had been at least one day in which they had been kept from usual activities due to health problems. When comparing these rates to the most recent statewide data,1 we find that the percentage of Sangamon County residents report better health statuses than statewide rates as well as the 2013 survey (see figure above). The percent who report that their physical health was not good on at least one day is nearly even with the state rate of 40 percent, and is also less than 53 percent in 2013. The percent who report at least one day with poor mental health is significantly lower than the state rate of 38 percent as well as 18 percent in 2013. Additionally, the percent who report at least one day in which they had been kept from usual activities due to health is lower than the state rate of 41 percent as well as 39 percent in 2013. 1 Data is available at (