For individuals being trafficked , countless churches , ministries and nonprofits can ( literally ) be lifesavers .
Countless such organizations are committed to rescuing men , women and children from the sex trade — beginning with the extraordinary challenge of helping them simply get out , and then moving on to restoration .
Now , in response to a momentous 2022 law and a ready-made process , they can play an even more proactive role .
“ After breaking free , the trafficking survivor is heavily dependent on others for shelter , clothing , medical attention , counseling and other life necessities ,” explain law partners and MinistrySafe co-founders Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris . “ Ultimately , however , the survivor must move toward a life characterized by independence and stability . In this process , the survivor encounters additional obstacles that must be overcome : criminal records and negative credit reports .” Fortunately , a 2022 federal law is a game-changer for the trafficking survivor — and churches , ministries and nonprofits can help to ensure that survivors actually receive the benefits of the new law . In short , the
As of press time , on-campus attendance at Immanuel had doubled to 800 per week in four years . Blessed growth , for sure ... but also a challenge when it comes to efficient , effective money-management . Making matters more complicated , the church ’ s financial representative on staff had chosen to depart . Church leaders were caught without a backup solution . All were challenges , to be sure ; but Pastor Jeremy Holley also saw this time of transition as an opportunity to do things differently — and maybe even better . For instance , the previous pastor focused almost entirely on ministry , leaving business dealings and financials to be overseen by the aforementioned employee functioning as financial representative . “ Some staff felt that ’ s the way it should be ,” Holley says . “ But as the pastor , I felt I needed to be involved in the financial decision-making of the church . It ’ s just a personal conviction .” Before long , he discovered WatersEdge Ministry Accounting Services and began a conversation about the church ’ s needs , followed by a proposal . According to Holley , the solution was not only simple to implement , but it met all of Immanuel Baptist ’ s needs , and then some . In this in-depth case study , learn all about how church leaders are now benefiting from cost savings — not to mention better oversight , increased efficiency , and more transparency / accessibility — since they switched to managed accounting services . law provides a pathway to block the reporting of adverse information stemming from trafficking : the underlying records are not expunged , but simply blocked , if the appropriate process is followed . This is where churches come in . MinistrySafe began creating the forms and processes for a trafficking survivor to access the benefits of the new law but needed a trafficking survivor to partner with them in testing the new process and forms . As a service to survivors , MinistrySafe is making all research , sample forms and step-by-step instructions available to all churches , ministries and nonprofits with a mission to rescue and restore individuals who have been trafficked . To learn all about these documents and the research necessary to initiate this process , revisit this crucial , timely article . churchexecutive . com CHURCH EXECUTIVE 7