Feature Story
Who Shall it? be
By: Hannah Zucker, natanel Katz
And Gabriel brainson
The Queen,
This is the year of our queen. She is new, she is fresh, and she is the chosen. The story of our new queen begins with her predecessor, Vashti, who was killed for committing one of the gravest acts in all of Shushan history; she disobeyed the king, her husband. “Therefore the king was very angry, and his anger burned in him”. The second Vashti disobeyed the king, the search for a new queen began. Achashverosh searched the land far and wide in search for a new queen. “let the king appoint officers in all the provinces of his kingdom, that they may gather together all the fair young virgins unto Shushan the castle”. He rounded up the most beautiful girls from every province and had them put into a home until they were ready to have a presence in front of the king. This is their story.
Mary, 14 years of age, was taken from her home in one of the 127 provinces that Achashverosh ruled over. She was taken to the house of women without having any choice in the matter. After she received a long, vigorous, 12- month training, to impress the king, she preped herself for her presentation. During her training she was lavished in oils and perfumes. Mary enjoyed these long baths and regular cleaning that she never had before. Finally she was called to spend the evening with the king. A mix of emotions ran through her mind: would the king like me? Will he treat me right?-
Who Shall it be?
This is the story of the search and the discovery of an unexpected queen coming from an unexpected background.
Continued on the next page-