The Choice Jun. 2013 | Page 2



Page 1

The Importance of Abortion (left)

Why Is It Happening? (left)

Reoccuring Issues (right)

Should there be a choice (right)

Page 2

Birth Control (left)

Obama Takes Action (left)

Economic Impact (left)

A woman who chose abortion (right)

Page 3

on Abortion

Editor's Thoughts

The Importance of Abortion

Abortion is a big topic that has been a big topic for a long time in America. People who oppose abortion have several valid reasons. Some think that its wrong to not give a child a chance to live just because issues the mother may have, then there are those who support abortion because of the fact that they feel as though it should be a choice to bring a child into the world. Abortion is a big issue because it brings out a lot of emotion from people for and against it, but will there ever be a "right" choice?


One of the reasons women look into abortion is becasue they were actually using birth control but, for some reason the contraceptive they used failed and they became pregnant. So a woman who was actually trying to prevent pregnancy with a contraceptive, should she have the choice? Over half of the women who get abortions were using different methods of birth control so they go to abortion as the last option

Reoccuring Issues

Is it right for a woman to get several abortions or should there be a limit? There are some women who do not use other contraceptive methods but have abortions just because they do not want children. Not having sex at all could keep you from having children, but in our society that is not the way that people tend to go which results in millions of babies killed over the years. But there is some debate as to whether it is anyone else besides the mother of that childs concern as to whether they have an abortion or not, seeing as though a mother is usually the one who looks out for the BEST INTEREST of their child. But is killing a child looking out for the child, or just saving the mother from problem's she could have otherwise avoided by not having sex?

Should There Be A Choice?

There are many women and many reasoons for why women want to have abortions, but is there any good reason for killing a defenseless child? There are many who think there is not, but there are also several who counteract and think there is. If women did not have the right to choose and every women was forced to have children that they do not want, there could be many other issues that become such as bad parenting and maybe even women attempting to kill the children on their own. But then again there are several people who cannot have children that would love to be parents, but could they carry the load of those millions of babies that were otherwise aborted?