United Nations Children ’ s Fund ( UNICEF ) now fund other schools in the areas that used to be recruiting grounds for the carpet belt .
Throughout all of history , people have oppressed other people . And throughout history , heroes have risen up .
It is clear that , once aware , most people do not want to buy chocolate , coffee , rugs , or any other product made with slave labor . Given a chance , most consumers do not want to harm the people who make the products they consume .
3.5 Conclusion
Companies can only sell things if people buy them . Consumers have the power . As a consumer , use that power !
Start making a difference . You have the knowledge after reading this , so change the world !
Be a hero .
For further reading www . freetheslaves . net
For a list of great anti-slavery reading recommendations , go to www . freetheslaves . net / sslpage . aspx ? pid = 362
www . antislavery . org www . thecnnfreedomproject . com www1 . american . edu / ted / chocolate-slave www . crossing-borders-fair-trade . com www . icco . org / about-cocoa / chocolate-industry www . iita . org
www . interpol . int / News-and-media / News-mediareleases / 2009 / N20090803
www . laborrights . org / stop-child-labor / cocoa-campaign www . thecnnfreedomproject . com
www . vision . ucsd . edu /~ kbranson / stopchocolateslavery / atasteofslav ery . html
A quick web search will bring up lots of results .