The Chocolate Slavery Booklet eVersion | Page 21

round , often in addition to their work in the plantations .
According to the specially trained investigators in child exploitation and trafficking who interviewed the victims , none of the children were aware that what was happening to them is illegal .
In order to tackle the increasing child trafficking and exploitation in this South Eastern part of Côte d ’ Ivoire , the operation was planned by Interpol ’ s Regional Bureau in Abidjan in conjunction with Ghanaian and Côte d ’ Ivoire police authorities . Based on local intelligence gathered in advance of the operation , specific plantations were targeted .
Operation BIA was conducted under Interpol ’ s programme of Operational Assistance , Services and Infrastructure Support ( OASIS ) to African Police Forces , funded by Germany , which is aimed at developing operational policing capacities in Africa . Support was also provided by the German governmental organization GTZ which provides sustainable solutions for political , economic , ecological and social development .
It is believed that hundreds of thousands of children are working illegally in the plantations across these two countries alone . The trafficking of children is often disguised by the practice of apprenticing children ( see page 6 ). In reality , they are often sold and their rights to education , health and protection are denied .
3.3 Coffee
Chocolate isn ’ t the only food produced by slaves . Some coffee beans are also processed by slaves . In addition to producing nearly half of the world ’ s cocoa , Côte d ’ Ivoire is the world ’ s fourth-largest grower of Robusta coffee . Robusta beans are used for espresso and instant coffees . They are also blended with milder Arabica beans to make ground coffees .
Often , coffee and cocoa are grown together on the same farm . The tall cacao trees shade the shorter coffee bushes . On some Côte d ’ Ivoire