Changing the industry
Changing the industry
We need to show the chocolate industry that it ’ s time to change . In fact , it was time to change a long time ago . We , the consumers , have the power .
3.1 What you can do
1 . Get informed . Get armed with information so that you know how to fight better .
2 . Use your influence . Alert friends , family , and co-workers about child slavery . Get more people to fight for this human rights cause !
3 . Change the System . If you are in any position of authority , use your power to help .
4 . Raise funds for abolitionist programs and organizations : www . ijm . org / getinvolved / youth , www . notforsalecampaign . org or another group .
5 . Buy Fairtrade . Consumers hold all the power . There are many companies and organizations that help third world artisans , farmers , and enterprises get fair prices for their goods . This strengthens communities and families ’ economic independence . Go to www . FairtradeFederation . org or www . Fairtrade . net to learn more or go to page 14 of this book .
6 . Inform companies that you expect them to clean up their supply chain and be slave-free . Share what you ’ ve learned about slavery particularly to companies who deal in coffee , chocolate , clothing , and handcrafted goods , and find out if they know about Fairtrade alternatives . Tell the companies that they need to identify and take responsibility for every farm producing their cocoa worldwide , change to Fairtrade Certified cocoa , and organize , encourage and fund education programs and anti-slavery campaigns .