The Chocolate Den e-magazine The Chocolate Den e-magazine January-March 2015 | Page 3
A word from Toni
A belated welcome back to The Chocolate
Den in 2015. It really has taken a while
for all of us to return from our holidays
and try to settle back into the routine of
work. And not a moment too soon with
valentines day just around the corner.
If you are still looking for a way to celebrate valentines day this year, consider
joining us at The Chocolate Den Kitchen for a champagne breakfast and great
chocolate class. In the class you will get to make the buttercrunch heart
chocolates that feature in this magazine, as well as the liqueur chocolate
fillings that are found on page 16. The cost of the morning is R300 and because
it is valentines day you get to bring someone special along for free. Booking
is essential, so if you want to partake you need to phone and book on
011 4538160/7.
Another important date to diarise is that of our Easter egg charity drive. Each
year Chocolate Den asks the public to join in making eggs for those less
fortunate than themselves and this year is no different. The charity drive will take
place on Saturday March 21st. Details will follow later this month.
On a completely different note. If you have been to Chocolate Den recently
perhaps you got to meet our two little stray kittens that adopted us, and who in
turn we adopted. They were really in poor shape one missing an eye and the
other with a bad limp. After a few days of good food they were coming along
in leaps and bounds. On Wednesday I left work at 4pm. At which point someone
took it upon themselves to phone the SPCA who then arrived and caught the
one kitten. By the time I arrived at work on Thursday it was to late to save our
kitten as the SPCA had already euthanased it.
The remaining kitten was moved by myself and
Jackie (with lots of scratches and bitting) to her
home where we hope she/he will successfully
manage to adjust and settle down.
If you have stray cats there are many wonderful
organisations that can and will assist you. If
you require their details please ask us and we
will put you in contact with them.
Wishing you all a valentines day and year ahead
filled with lots of love.