The China Investor Volume 1, Issue 2 | Page 85

您对中国对外投资趋势有何看法? 数据表明,去年,即2016年,中国对美投资是上一年的 三倍,中国对外投资达到高峰。 WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT OUTBOUND CHINESE INVESTMENT TRENDS? Data indicates that last year was a boom for Chinese outbound investment, with Chinese investment in the U.S. tripling in 2016 from the previous year. 使得中国投资保持向好趋势的主要因素有哪 些? 可能会对中国投资趋势产生负面影响的 主要因素有哪些? WHAT ARE SOME OF THE KEY FACTORS TO KEEP THE CHINESE INVESTMENT TRENDS GOING IN A POSITIVE WAY AND SOMETHING THAT MIGHT AFFECT IT NEGATIVELY? 外国投资通过创造就业和收入从而促进美国经济发 展。这同样适用于中国经济,我们希望看到中国进一步 放开限制,吸收更多外国投资。在美国,存在一些关于 可能对外国投资加强监管的讨论。我们认为,此等审查 应继续仅仅关注国家安全问题,继续确保其他投资不 受限制。 Foreign investment benefits the U.S. economy by creating jobs and revenue. The same holds true for China’s economy, we would like to see further openings in China to foreign investment. There has been some discussion in the U.S. of potential increased scrutiny on foreign investment. We believe such reviews should continue to focus exclusively on national security issues and allow other investments to continue unhinde red.   中国对外投资对美国社会产生了哪些利好? HOW HAS U.S. COMMUNITIES BENEFITED FROM CHINESE OUTBOUND INVESTMENTS? 根据荣鼎咨询报告,中资公司目前几乎在美国的每个 选举区都有经营活动——占435个选举区中的425个 选举区。这些投资为逾140,000名美国人创造了良好的 就业岗位。这些是除美中贸易所创造的就业岗位之外 的就业创造。总之,美中商业关系在各方面均对美国社 会产生了利好。 Chinese-owned companies now have operations in nearly every congressional district in the U.S. -- 425 out of 435 districts, according to the Rhodium Group. These investments provide good jobs for more than 140,000 Americans. That is in addition to jobs related to U.S. trade with China. In all, U.S. communities benefit in a variety of ways from U.S.- China commercial ties. 在对美国投资方面, 您对中国投资者有哪些建议? WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU LIKE TO GIVE TO CHINESE INVESTORS CONSIDERING INVESTING IN THE U.S.? 美国欢迎外国投资,为外国投资提供一个透明和基于 规则的环境。美国拥有全球最高素质的工人,美国各地 的州长和市长已明确表示,他们非常支持中国投资者 对其所在州加大投资。 The United States welcomes foreign investment and provides a transparent and rules-based environment for it. The U.S. has some of the most highly-skilled workers in the world and governors and mayors from around the country have made it clear that they are very supportive of additional Chinese investment to their states. 美中贸易全国委员会最新发布的关于美国对 中国出口现状的年度报告显示了什么? WHAT DOES THE COUNCIL’S NEWLY RELEASED ANNUAL REPORT ON THE STATE OF AMERICA’S EXPORTS TO CHINA SHOW? 报告显示,中国继续成为美国货物的重要目的地,对美 国经济发挥着重大的促进作用。美中贸易全国委员会 数据显示,自2005年以来,美国对中国出口增速超过 了美国其他主要贸易伙伴。2016年,美国对中国出口货 物总额为1130亿美元,与上一年持平,但仍然是第三大 美国货物出口市场。自2006年以来,美国三十个州对 中国货物出口量发生了至少三位数的增长,同一时期 四个州对中国货物出口量的增长率超过了500%。 WWW.THECHINAINVESTOR.COM The report shows that China continues to be an important destination for American goods and a significant contributor to the U.S. economic growth. Council data reveals that since 2005, U.S. exports to China have grown faster than exports to any other major U.S. trading partner. In 2016, U.S. goods exports to China totaled $113 billion, holding steady with the previous year but still being the third-largest U.S. goods export market. Thirty states experienced at least triple-digit goods export growth to China since 2006, and four states saw growth of more than 500 percent over the same period. 84