The China Investor Volume 1, Issue 2 | Page 63

美国二线城市良 好的基本条件

Strong Fundamentals in U . S . Second Tier Cities

撰稿人 马克 · 杜牧 By Mark Drumm
美国二线城市房地产市场凭借其在经济 、 基础设施和成本基本要素方面的良好条 件 , 可以为外国资本提供良好的投资选 择 。
With strong economic , infrastructure and cost fundamentals , real estate markets in second tier in the U . S . could provide foreign capital with good investment options .
根据 Cushman Wakefield 数据 , 2016 年 , 美国商业房地 产市场获得了逾 660 亿美元的外国投资 。 其中 , 来自中 国买方的投资金额最大 , 占总投资金额的 29 %, 比 2015 年上升了 10 % 。 这些中国投资资金中 70 % 以上流向了 四个主要门户城市 , 其中纽约获得的投资资金最多 , 占 46 % 。
另外根据美国全国房地产经纪人协会 ( National Association of Realtors ) 数据 , 外国买方对美 国住宅房地产的投资金额为 1530 亿美元 , 其中将近 320 亿美元来自中国买方 。 这意味着美国房地产业一年获得 的投资资金总额有将近 2200 亿美元 。
美国二线城市的 作用
虽然上述资金中大部分流向了沿海门户城市 , 美国二线 城市凭借其强劲的经济增长势头 , 坚实的房地产市场基 本要素和相对较小的资本竞争为外国投资提供了良好 的机会 。 美国国内关于经济增长率或最佳投资市场的讨 论通常会引发长期的地盘之争 , 但上述三方面因素可以 有力地说明为什么通常为外国投资者所忽视的二线市场 可以提供的投资机会更有利于投资组合多样化 , 减轻风 险 , 从而最 终产生 更 高的 回 报 。
Over $ 66 billion in foreign capital was invested in the United States commercial real estate markets in 2016 , according to Cushman Wakefield . Of this , the largest amount was invested by Chinese buyers who represented 29 percent of total capital invested , which was up 10 percent from 2015 . Over 70 percent of this Chinese capital went to four of the major gateway cities , with New York City receiving the largest chunk at 46 percent . In addition , foreign buyers invested an additional $ 153 billion in residential real estate in the United States of which almost $ 32 billion was represented by Chinese buyers , according to the National Association of Realtors . This represents a total of almost $ 220 billion invested in one year in U . S . real estate .
While much of this capital migrates to the coastal gateway cities , second tier cities in the U . S . provide excellent opportunities for foreign capital investment supported by strong underlying economic growth , solid real estate market fundamentals and far less capital competition . Discussion domestically in the United States regarding economic growth rates or the best markets for investment usually ignites long standing turf wars , but many of these three areas identified above can tell a compelling story of why second tier markets , often overlooked by foreign investors , might provide investment opportunities which better diversify their portfolios , mitigate some risks and ultimately may provide higher returns . Investment in second tier markets doesn ’ t preclude further investment in