The China Investor Volume 1, Issue 2 | Page 42

免费订阅《中国投资者》杂志 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHINA INVESTOR FOR FREE 中国投资者是投资行业的领先出版物,通过同侪评审 文章、独家访谈和市场分析,致力于为我们的读者献上 关于全球房地产投资领域和境外中国资本趋势的全面 解读。我们的双语杂志每年发行两期,分发对象为投资 领域的专家和业界利益相关者。 The China Investor is a leading investment publication, featuring peer-reviewed articles, interviews and market analyses. We are dedicated to providing our readers with comprehensive information about the global real estate investment industry and outbound Chinese capital trends. The dual-language magazine is distributed biannually to investment professionals and industry stakeholders. 点击以下链接订阅本刊: Sign up at: magazine-subscription 获取更多广告商机和赞助信息, 请发送邮件至: For advertising and sponsorship opportunities: [email protected] magazine-subscription [email protected]