The China Investor Volume 1, Issue 2 | Page 76

什么因素为医疗 房地产投资的增 长加油助力 ?

What ’ s Fueling the Growth of Medical Real Estate Investments ?

撰稿人 大卫 · 林恩 By David Lynn
我们缘何预期医疗办公楼需求的不断增 长 ? 人口特征趋势 、 技术进步 、 不断演变 的医疗政策和不断发展的经济在其中起了 怎样的推动作用 ?
Why an increased demand of medical office buildings can be anticipated due to demographic trends , technology advancements , evolving healthcare policy and the expanding economy .
过去十年间 , 借力于目前美国经济最大分支的医疗产 业的稳步增长 , 医疗房地产无论是在经济形势顶峰还 是 整 个 经 济 周 期 中 , 都 是 表 现 最 为 令人 惊 艳 的 房 地 产 分市场之一 。
增长 、 收入 、 长期回报 、 安全性和低波动性等特征在医 疗房地产中均有体现 。 强劲的宏观经济顺风 、 稳健的资 产基础 、 高额的当期收益和总体回报 、 低波动性和低相 关性让医疗房地产为机构投资者和零售投资者的投资 组合增添了一个极富吸引力的选项 。
医疗办公楼是医疗房地产投资中一个特定的种类 , 过 去三十多年来 , 已经成为美国提供门诊病人医疗护理 服务的主要途径 。 医疗产业已经从以医院和住院病人 护理为主导转型成了以医疗办公楼和门诊病人护理为 主的形式 。
事实上 , 超过 70 % 的医疗服务 ( 包括大部分外科手术 )
Over the last ten years , medical real estate has been one of the best performing real estate sectors during the peak and through economic cycles , backed by the robust growth of the medical industry , which is now the largest sector of the U . S . economy .
Medical real estate offers a combination of growth , income , long-term returns , safety and low volatility . Strong macro tailwinds , robust property fundamentals , high current income and total returns , low volatility and correlations , make it a compelling addition to institutional as well as retail investors ’ investment portfolios .
Focusing on a particular type of medical real estate investment -- the Medical Office Building – it has been the main vehicle for outpatient healthcare delivery in the U . S . for over the past 30 years . The medical industry has transformed itself from predominantly hospital and inpatient care to mainly MOB and outpatient care . In fact , over 70 percent of all healthcare service delivery ( including