ecently, a search committee asked me to serve as CJA’s interim president until the next formal meeting,
this August at the Vancouver, Washington, U.S. Open. I’ve long been a member and an admirer of the
organization’s goals. So I welcome the opportunity to help.
Chess Journalists of America has a long, proud tradition of
subjects, but mainly on chess—quite a few with my ongoing
recognizing and supporting what can be a very lonely purwriting partner, GM Lev Alburt. Since 1982, I’ve been the
suit—excellence in writing about chess. Almost everyone, for
World Book Encyclopedia Yearbook contributor on chess.
example, interested in writing about our game knows about
I’ve been honored to receive a number of CJA awards, inthe annual CJA awards. But CJA has for a long time relied on
cluding Chess Journalist of the Year and Best Story. I remain
the same stalwarts to keep it going. Some of these staunchest
a frequent contributor to Chess Life magazine. My most recent
supporters are more than ready to pass the keyboard to new
articles are the centennial cover-story on Sammy Reshevsky in
blood (as long as there’s the traditional ink mixed in the
the November 2011 issue and the piece on Life Master Arveins as well). And, sadly, key contributors—former CJA presithur Feuerstein in the January 2012 magazine.
dent Jerry Hanken, vice president Ira Riddle, and longtime
You can tell by that recap that I’m
journal editor John Hillery—have in
not a youngster. In fact, I’m from
recent years passed away.
the same generation as Ira, John
Mark Taylor has ably stepped in
and Randy. And that’s the problem
Some of these staunchest supto produce CJA’s publication. And
I’d most like to fix—well, I’m stuck
porters are more than ready to with my age. But we can bring in
GM and former woman’s world
champion Alexandra Kosteniuk
pass the keyboard to new blood younger leaders. With the excepfilled in last year as president detion of Mark, who is a young pro(as long as there’s the traditional fessional, we need to reset CJA’s
spite her many other commitments. Veteran CJA webmaster J.
ink mixed in the veins as well). board with a new generation of
Franklin Campbell seeks wellleadership.
earned relief, and so does current
My overall goal is to help lay a
treasurer Randy Hough, although he continues to serve until
foundation to better involve all the generations of American
we can find an adequate replacement. Rachel and Myron
chess writers and provide resources, recognition and a sense
Lieberman remain valuable “consultants emeritus.”
of fellowship that will support them. American chess writers
Although I’ve met many of you over the years, I feel I
themselves can best do this, of course. So the primary role of
should quickly recap my relevant resume here. I studied jourCJA as an organization is to make it easier and more producnalism and writing, going on to teach after grad school. In
tive for the group to share.
1981 I served as managing editor of Chess Life. I then went to
Here are some specific goals I believe are necessary to faciliwork as USCF’s first scholastic director as we began building
tate the overall mission. It’s a substantial list, but many of the
its national school program. I eventually led the USCF staff
ideas are directly related to upgrading our web presence. I
as executive director from 1988 to 1996—an exciting period of
need to hear from you—whether it’s to agree, disagree, or progrowth for the organization. From 2001 to 2007 I served as
vide more and better ideas:
volunteer executive director of the World Chess Hall of Fame
a Identify what the current membership most wants out of
in Miami and later helped find it a new home in St. Louis.
Along the way, I did decades of work in commercial writing,
a Involve younger journalists in CJA, re-staffing key leaderas well as editing books and writing articles on a number of
ship roles;
The Chess Journalist