I appreciate this work from the editor, because they teach us everything about hydrocarbons and why they’re important. The hydrocarbon is an organic compound that contain only carbon and hydrogen in their molecules. Form a carbon structure to which hydrogen atoms are attached. So,
Which isthe importance of hydrocarbons? That they are made of plastics, lubricants, paints, textiles, medicines and also work to generate electricity. We cannot ignore the role of hydrocarbons in thedevelopment of everyday life as it is through them that we can perform our daily activities. Carbon is one of the most important natural element for humans but also for various natural processes that requirehis presence. Where do we found the Carbon? On the planet Carbon fields are located in different areas, like China, United States, India, Australia, South Africa, Russia, Indonesia, Poland,Kazakhstan and Colombia. Hydrocarbons are an important source of power generation for industries, our homes and the development of our daily lives. But it is not just a fuel,across the more advanced processes and its elements split is achieved through its use in the petrochemical industry. The carbon is an important resource for electric power generation, as a fuel forthe generation of steel for various industries such as steel or metal, and especially for oil generation.
Letter to the editor.
Aliquam varius adipiscing tempor. Vivamus id ipsum sit amet massa con-sectetur porta. Class aptent taciti soci-osqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Prae-sent dignissim ultrices neque. Aliquam auctor congue nunc sed interdum. Aen-
Copper � the first metal in use
Copper (29) is one of the two metallic elements that has a color other than a form of metallic gray. In ancient times, copper nuggets was used as a form of payment and to make jewelry and tools. The first use of copper is dated at least 6 thousand years prior to first use of another colored metal, the gold.