The Cheerleading Worlds Registration Information | Page 12

All athletes competing at a bid-qualifying event must be listed on the official roster as active athletes and compete on Day 1 . Should a team need to make any substitutions on Day 2 at the bid-qualifying event , they will be allowed to replace a limited number of active athletes with reserve athletes for the second performance . The athletes that took the floor on Day 1 will be considered the original team members on the Worlds Roster . Any reserve athletes that take the floor on Day 2 will be considered eligible substitutes on the Worlds Roster . The number of athletes that may be replaced on Day 2 is limited : IASF division teams may replace up to four athletes
NOTE : The team coach is responsible for communicating any replacements or substitutions from Day 1 to Day 2 to the event producer . The event producer will note any changes made from Day 1 to Day 2 on the roster that was submitted by the team . Day 2 substitutions must meet all the eligibility requirements to compete as an athlete at that particular bid qualifier representing said team .
U . S . -based teams must present a USASF roster at their bidqualifying event that includes names of the athletes performing on the floor at that competition . Additionally , the same Open- Level 7 teams can roster up to 10 reserve athletes that will be considered eligible substitutes or alternates . These are additional members of the program that did not have the opportunity to perform on the floor at that bid event . Those additional athletes must follow the same eligibility , substitution , and alternate guidelines for The Cheerleading Worlds , including the guidelines requiring a Program Release Waiver . These 10 reserve athletes must be listed on the USASF official roster as reserves at the bid-qualifying event .
The total maximum number of rostered active athletes permitted at Worlds will be equal to the number of athletes on the floor at the event where the bid was received . Athletes may not be added to the team after the bid was received . The program is permitted to replace original team members with substitutes and wild card alternates so long as they do not increase the total number of athletes on the team and they follow the guidelines outlined herein .
All substitutes must meet the same eligibility requirements as the original team that was awarded a bid ( i . e . age , etc .). The maximum number of substitutions allowed per team for The Cheerleading Worlds : Season 1 Countries *
• IASF Open Divisions and Global Club Divisions – 8
• IASF Non-Tumbling Divisions – 10 A substitute must be a regular-paid athlete from the same program , on a different team , and must have competed on the floor for that program at the same event where the bid was awarded .
Season 2 Countries * The maximum number of substitutions allowed per team for The Cheerleading Worlds :
• IASF Open Divisions and Global Club Divisions – 12
• IASF Non-Tumbling Divisions – 15
* Refer to IASFworlds . com for Season 1 and 2 descriptions . A substitute must be a regular-paid athlete at the same program ,
on a different team , and must have competed on the floor for that program at the same event where the bid was awarded .
Of the allowable maximum number of substitutions , up to five may be Wild Card alternates in International divisions . These are additional members of the program that did not have the opportunity to perform on the floor at the event where the bid was received .
At The Cheerleading Worlds , crossovers of athletes between teams from the same program are NOT permitted . Crossovers of athletes between programs are NOT permitted . Crossovers of athletes between cheer and dance teams from the same or other programs are NOT permitted . In other words , an athlete may represent either one team in cheer or one program in dance .
If a team is found to have made an improper substitution or alternate assignment , or has an illegal team member or crossover , this team :
• will be disqualified ,
• may be responsible for repaying the total cost of any funds received through a paid bid , and
• may be prevented ( along with the entire All Star program from that organization ) from being eligible for any type of bid to The Cheerleading Worlds or Dance Worlds the following year .
IASF Open L5 , L6 , and L7 : 2:30 minute maximum IASF Non-Tumbling L6 and L7 : 2:00 minute maximum IASF Global Club L6 :
• 30 second minimum to 40 second maximum for the opening cheer portion ,
• 20 second maximum to move from cheer portion and set up for the music portion , and
• 2:30 maximum for the music portion .
IASF score sheets for The Cheerleading Worlds are available at IASFworlds . com .
Each team will receive a participation trophy . The top three teams from each country will advance from Semi-Finals to Finals . Athletes on teams ranking first , second , or third in Finals will receive gold , silver , or bronze medallions . First-place teams will receive a championship banner and each athlete who competed on the floor with that team will receive a Worlds champion ring
Contact : WORLDS @ USASF . NET | 888.315.9437 12