January 2020
CCC President’s
CCC Board’s 2020
Plan reveals vision,
core values
As we begin
this new year
and new de-
cade in our
lives, it is a
perfect time to
reflect on the
HARP many wonder-
ful reasons we
all moved to Charbonneau. Even
in the darkest part of winter, it is
still amazing to make that turn
onto French Prairie and enjoy
the beauty that is all around us.
The CCC Board has a 2020 Plan
which has served as our Strate-
gic Plan since it was adopted in
2005. The core values of this plan
include a strong community
identity, friendly and welcoming
spirit, park-like beauty, personal
safety, neighborliness, enhanced
amenities and activities, finan-
cial strength, enhancement of
value, effective governance and
sustainable use of resources.
Someone recently asked if we
have a plan. The answer is a defi-
nite yes and it includes our vi-
sion, core values, planning as-
sumptions and goals. All the de-
tails can be found at our website,
located in the “projects” section
under “community.” For decades
CCC Boards have been dedicated
to keeping Charbonneau a strong
and vibrant community.
Along the same thread, Wilson-
ville’s Mayor Tim Knapp spoke at
our December board meeting. He
discussed the Oregon Aviation
Board’s (OAB) decision that Char-
bonneau would not be an affected
community in the master plan of
the Aurora Airport extension. Of
course, we would be affected. The
CCC Board then voted unanimous-
ly to support the City of Wilson-
ville’s effort to take the OAB to the
Land Use Board of Appeals (LU-
BA). We are grateful to the City of
Wilsonville for their involvement
on our behalf. There is more infor-
mation on this topic in this Villag-
er from our Civic Affairs Chair
Wayne Richards.
The theme of this month’s
Villager is New Year’s resolutions.
At our December monthly meeting
of the Board of Directors, several
resolutions were adopted to mod-
ernize our governing documents.
Below are some details
of the resolutions that were
■ Ensure that the association
complies with applicable state law,
the intended democratic principles
of the declaration and bylaws, and
best practices in respect of the for-
mation of a quorum for association
meetings, budget procedures, and
insurance requirements
■ Ensure enjoyment for all resi-
dents in the affairs of the association
■ Provide for more orderly func-
tioning of association meetings
and to clarify the declaration
where there are ambiguities or si-
lence in the document’s express
language and the stated or implied
intent of the declaration and by-
It was resolved that the provi-
sions and terms set for in ORS
94.645 Adoption of annual budget,
ORS 94.655 Quorum for association
meetings, and ORS 94.675 Insur-
ance for common property will
govern the association and be
deemed included in the declaration
and bylaws. The board also adopt-
ed policies and procedures that are
based on the governing state stat-
utes and best practices, regarding
record keeping and providing ac-
cess and duplication of certain As-
sociation records. The details for
each of these can be found on our
By the time you read this, the
demolition of the old Annex build-
ing will have begun. The Village
Center Development Task Force
continues to meet and discuss
plans for our new building. We are
hoping that sometime in January
we will have some golf course in-
formation to share with our resi-
dents. Look for more information
on both of these topics in the
months ahead.
May this New Year bring new
happiness, new goals, new achieve-
ments and a lot of new
inspirations in your life. Wishing
you a year fully loaded with
rbor Lake Townhome
Association (ALTA)
has received several
complaints regarding
the speed of vehicles passing pe-
destrians walking along the
sides of the road on Arbor Lake
Drive. ALTA has narrow streets
and no walkways in either direc-
tion. Therefore, it is necessary
that pedestrians walk along the
edge of the street.
ALTA has recently placed street
signs reading “CAUTION-SLOW
FIC” along Arbor Lake Drive as a
reminder to drivers to slow down
and be considerate of pedestrians
and their pets as they pass them.
If you have additional concerns,
suggestions or comments, the AL-
TA Board of Directors would like
to hear from you. The Board of Di-
rectors meet the third Tuesday of
each month at 7 p.m. at the Char-
bonneau Clubhouse. You are wel-
come to attend.
Traffic concerns can be reported
directly to the City of Wilsonville
by submitting a “Traffic Concern”
request form. Go to https://www.
A Publishing Partnership...
The Charbonneau Villager is a joint publishing partnership between the Charbonneau County Club
and the Pamplin Media Group.
Advertising contact
Jesse Marichalar [email protected] | 971-204-7774
J. Brian Monihan Leslie Pugmire Hole Clara Howell
Publisher Editor Villager Editor
pamplinmedia.com lhole@
pamplinmedia.com chowell@
Kim Stephens
503-479-2377 [email protected]
Jesse Marichalar Rick Fryback
Display Advertising
pamplinmedia.com Real Estate/Auto Ads
Have an idea for a story?
We want to hear about it. Leslie Pugmire Hole [email protected] | 503-479-2377
Published monthly at 400 Second St., Lake Oswego, OR, 97034. Periodicals postage paid at Wilsonville Post Offi ce and additional mailing post offi ces. POSTMASTER, send address changes to: Charbonneau Villager,
P.O. Box 22109, Portland, OR, 97269; 503-635-8811 (USPS 021-752) Subscription rates: $36 per year in West Linn-Portland area; all other areas inside Oregon and outside of Oregon $64.