February 2020
Creating community connections for seniors in Charbonneau
People love Charbonneau- many
of us wouldn’t ever dream of mov-
ing away. We love the endless
greenery, fresh air and even the
rainy days. For many of our neigh-
bors, aging can bring an unintend-
ed yet very real problem to many
seniors- Loneliness, isolation and
depression. Even when we have
deep roots established in a com-
munity and maybe at one time had
a lively group of friends and fam-
ily; over time many seniors find
themselves alone- with no one to
call on.
Jeff Foody at Northwest Reverse
Mortgage works with people 62
and older; helping them achieve
a more secure future through ac-
cessing their home equity as tax-
free cash to use for anything they
want or need. He has heard about
the struggle of feeling isolation
take over first hand from his cli-
ents “It would rip your heart out
to hear some of these folks sto-
ries.” he explains. “We hear way
too often stories of depression and
isolation- people in absolute de-
spair in their current situations
because they don’t know anyone
to call on who can help them. Hu-
man connection is very important
for a happy and healthy life and
many people are absolutely suffer-
ing alone, in homes and locations
that are no longer meeting their
Brad Eaton, realtor with Home-
Smart Realty, has also seen his
clients struggling with staying
connected with family and friends
“Many of my clients are elder-
ly- because I have had so much
experience working with many
different scenarios in which se-
niors are downsizing, it absolutely
empowers me with the ability to
best assist them with their needs.
I have found that establishing a
You’re Invited
Valentin e e’ n s i M
for S ors
2th, 2020
February 1
Uptown Ba _7LJDUG
6:00pm - 8
ne D r inner
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m e en D ta
Comp F li m
d Prizes
a e
ith G
w ith
We will be
juicy BBQ ch
Let’s come together as a community and make some new connections
for a new year while supporting a good cause!
new home in a community built
specifically with senior lifestyles
in mind can help people develop
new connections and new habits
that will hopefully lead to a hap-
pier and healthier lifestyle.” Brad
has guided many seniors through
the decision making process of
selling their current home and
weighing the best options for the
next chapter. For those that de-
sire to age in place in a new home,
using a reverse mortgage to pur-
chase the new home is a great
option for people who desire to
maintain homeownership with-
out paying a monthly mortgage
payment. “This loan makes a new
life possible for people who didn’t
think they had any options.” Ex-
plains Brad.
Brad and Jeff have a shared goal
in helping seniors discover a more
secure future and lead happier
lives. Many retirees desire to move
closer to family or into homes in
communities tailored specifical-
ly to seniors “people need other
people, it’s just the way we work.”
Says Brad. “Jeff and I want to do
everything we can to serve our se-
nior communities- we are going to
be hosting several charity events
this year to do just that.”
“Our hope is to create an oppor-
tunity for older people, married
and single, to connect with one an-
other through delightful conversa-
tion, uncovering shared interests
and igniting sparks that lead to
lasting relationships with folks
they can call on.” says Mr Foody.
Brad explains further “We are
co-hosting our first event togeth-
er: A Valentine’s Day Party bene-
fitting the non profit organization
Ride Connection who shares our
goal of encouraging seniors to
stay connected and active in their
Northwest Reverse Mortgage
and HomeSmart Realty are host-
ing a complementary, fun-filled
night to bring the older communi-
ty together. They will be serving
a catered BBQ Chicken Dinner,
baked potatoes with all the fixin’s
and succulent green beans. Come
and enjoy the dinner, games with
prizes and a raffle benefitting Ride
Connection at Uptown Ballroom
Feb 12th at 6pm. Please RSVP to
attend at www.nwreverse.com or
by calling 503-427-1667. There is no
cost to attend the event: the dinner,
games and prizes are completely
complementary- the raffle tickets
will be 5$ each and are optional
to purchase- all proceeds will go
directly to Ride Connection. Come
make a new friend or at least have
a fabulous meal and maybe some
fun. Getting older is the beginning
to your next chapter- how is your
story going to unfold?
Jeff Foody
MLO 253303
President and
Brad Eaton
HomeSmart Realty
Northwest Reverse Mortgage, LLC. NMLS- 1834787. Equal Housing Lender. Credit on approval. Terms subject
to change without notice. Not a commitment to lend. Contents not provided by, or approved by FHA, HUD
or any other government agency. All potential tax benefi ts should be verifi ed with a professional licensed tax
adviser. http://www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org/EntityDetails.aspx/COMPANY/1834787 At the conclusion of
a reverse mortgage, the borrower must repay the loan and may have to sell the home or repay the loan from
other proceeds; charges will be assessed with the loan, including an origination fee, closing costs, mortgage
insurance premiums and servicing fees; the loan balance grows over time and interest is charged on the out-
standing balance; the borrower remains responsible for property taxes, hazard insurance and home mainte-
nance, and failure to pay these amounts may result in the loss of the home; interest on a reverse mortgage is
not tax deductible until the borrower makes partial or full re-payment.