The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 Nov issue Villager | Page 14
Men’s Club
■ From Page 10
all who came in contact with this out-
standing group of golfers.
■ Golf educational and social events
were again hosted during the winter
months and were well attended. The
feedback from participants was that
these are worthwhile and should con-
tinue again each winter season, espe-
cially the rules seminar by Jim Gib-
bons. The chili contest was also a hit
and will be repeated again.
■ The tournament committee — Ma-
jor tournament activities, namely the
Double Elimination Match Play was re-
designed to improved timing of matches,
and the Charbonneau Cup was reinvent-
ed as a season-long points competition
and tournament. Increased communica-
tion with monthly notices on the bulletin
boards and on the webpage significantly
improved the year-long game and tour-
nament schedule. Laurin Larsen and his
team of volunteers met these challenges,
and others. Laurin has volunteered to
November 2019
lead this team again in 2020.
October marked the end of the golf
season for golf events and tourna-
ments. Many members have gone to
warming climates in the southern
states, while a few of us stay and play
winter sports, including cold weather
golf. The members in the southern
states can keep posting their scores to
GHIN. While we here in the NW can’t
post, we can work on developing our
short game and enjoy the company of
a few friends who also stayed home
here in Charbonneau. We are fortu-
nate that our green and yellow courses
are open year around; this year the red
course may stay open too.
On Oct. 11, the Charbonneau Men’s
Club hosted a season-ending social
event for about 100 members and their
guests to share a catered dinner, cele-
brate a few golf awards and be thor-
oughly entertained. A buffet was pro-
vided by Wilsonville Catering — tri-
tip, plus all the trimmings. Entertain-
ment was provided by Hart Keene, a
professional mentalist and illusionist
( to learn more). It was
See MEN’S CLUB / Page 15
Enjoy a
meal at the
Nov. 16.
dessert! We serve the dinner family-
style in the historic Pioneer Mothers Me-
morial Cabin located in Newell Pioneer
he Harvest Dinner at Newell Village at 8089 Champoeg Road N.E, St.
Pioneer Village will be held Paul. (Right next to Champoeg State
Saturday, Nov. 16, from 1:30- Park). Heart Strings will provide live mu-
4:30 p.m. this year. We are
sic to accompany our meal as we gather
accepting reservations with only 18
together to celebrate the harvest season.
seats remaining.
Dinner is $35 per person (prepaid reser-
Enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving din-
vation) and our seating is limited. Email
ner complete with all the trimmings like info@newellpioneervillage or call 503-
turkey, ham, potatoes, cranberries and 678-5537 to reserve your place.
Let your holidays sparkle with the sophisticated, jazzy American sound of
The Fireside Carolers
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