The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 June issue Villager newspaper | Page 19

THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER 19 June 2019 Charbonneau Men’s Club By JOHN MCLAIN Golf-themed gifts make good presents for dad It’s June, and that means Father’s Day is here this month. Last year I wrote an article about suggested gifts for golfing dads, and to my surprise, I received a Scotty Cameron Putter from my wife — wow. I have some bragging rights about how lucky I am to have been together these 50 years. This year, golfing dads might appreciate some of those new golf balls that Tiger Woods uses, a stylish ball marker with his favorite college logo, or perhaps a complete new set of golf clubs (OK, so that’s over the top). Since my handicap has risen by four strokes lately, perhaps a gift of a lesson or two from Cory at the Pro Shop might be both appreciated and have some long-term benefits. Most dads simply want to play a round of golf with a few family members, followed by a dinner surrounded by family and close friends. Dads like to keep it simple and be appreciated once in a while. Planning for the 2020 season The Men’s Club Board of Directors meets once per month, usually at 2:30 p.m. in the Country Club Lounge on the first Tuesday of each month. These are open meetings and we often have guests interested in supporting golf and social events at Charbonneau. The September meeting is the start of developing plans and a budget for year 2020. We are scheduling the meeting for 6:30 p.m. so that members who work during the daytime can attend a meeting, especially a meeting where the board discusses ideas and plans for year 2020 social and golf calendar. Contact John McLain if you have ideas and suggestions for next year; perhaps you can attend this September meeting. Non-golfi ng walkers on the course during play The board is following up on some member suggestions about encouraging safety on the course regarding non-golfing people walking on the pathways. A special committee will work with Chris Bensel to develop a guideline for Men’s Club members to take some non-aggressive actions when confronted with non-golfers on the course during Men’s Club play. Three suggestions so far: ■ Yell loudly “Fore!” and nothing else — use of aggressive or threatening language is not acceptable member conduct. After all, you might be yelling at a Men’s Club family member or visiting guests. ■ Call Pro Shop and Chris Bensel or his staff will visit the walkers to explain the safety risks. ■ Take photo or video of walkers and send it to Bensel’s cell phone with notes on time, date and hole. In summary, Men’s Club members should be known as gentleman golfers who are concerned with people’s safety on the course. Only the head pro and staff can take corrective actions against non-golfing walkers or dogs on the course. The Scoring Committee Last year, board member Mike Lucich led the initiative to learn software that does the scoring of golf games. It was a lot of work, but Mike got the results posted quickly to the website and printed too, which was greatly appreciated by the members. This year, Bill Moir is leading a group of members who volunteered to learn to use the “Golf Genius Software” program to print scorecards, and then enter completed scores for the Wednesday and Saturday play days. Results are posted quickly on the website and posted on the bulletin boards at the Pro Shop. Please say “thank you” when you see them in the turn with their laptops entering all the scores. I invite more of our members to contact Moir to volunteer to learn this software and be part of this team effort. See MEN’S CLUB/ Page 23