The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 February Villager Newspaper | Page 9

THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER 9 February 2019 Charbonneau Golf Club, Inc. By JOE BROULLETTE CHARBONNEAU GOLF CLUB, INC. PRESIDENT In last month’s message I shared that the Golf Club had entered into a cooperative agreement with CCC to use the Patio Terrace for events, weddings and tournament functions. We also announced that in exchange for the use we would cover the venue to maximize its use year-round.  We have engaged the services of Waterleaf Architecture to design the new enclosure. This is the same firm that designed the Practice Facility and all of the site improvements we made last year. We have reviewed the initial designs from Waterleaf with both the CGCI and CCC Boards and I’m pleased to tell you that we have all agreed to move to the next level of design that will yield the specifications that allow us to enter the permit process and secure bids. As soon as we have confirmed designs and construction plans we will share them with you. We have completed the transfer of our accounting functions to OB Sports and the next step in the process will be to upgrade our point of sale systems. With this upgrade we will be able to better manage the operational data we receive from day to day play. This will allow us to better understand the demands on the course and create more efficient and profitable course usage. In January we welcomed Jan Holley to the CGCI board of directors and promoted Matt Collier to golf superintendent. In closing I would like to thank Tony Holt and his team at CCC. Their support and cooperation has been extraordinary in all matters. We will continue to work together to align our efforts to bring our community the best our combined resources can deliver. ■ Interested in a great, affordable trip to TUSCANY? Don’t Miss our Information Night Tuesday, February 5, 5:30-7:30pm Free Bonus if you attend the info night: free no charge side trip to Cinque Terre Register Online at: For questions or more information email [email protected] or phone 503-682-0411 ext:3 Travel with the Wilsonville Chamber of Commerce to Tuscany! This Tuscany Holiday October 10-18, 2019 is open to everyone, not just chamber members. The Tuscany trip ($2,999 per person if a $400 deposit received by by March 31st.) and includes. 7 Nights | 10 Meals | Round Trip Airfare Professional Tour Manager Baggage Handling | Hotel Transfer Charbonneau Golf Clubs present scholarships By LAURIN LARSEN Every year the Charbonneau Men’s Club, Women’s 9 Hole and CWGA members provide annual scholarships to qualified employees of the Charbonneau Golf Club. Applications are received in September, reviewed by a special committee made up of representatives from each club and the winners are announced in late November. This year’s recipients are Taylor Ann Frazier, enrolled at the University of Portland School of Nursing, Emily McKillip, enrolled at Oregon State University as a business major, and Jessica Berry, enrolled at the University of Portland School of Nursing. Applications are evaluated by a committee that considers financial need, applicant’s goals, outside Experience | Integrity | Solutions Business Law Elder Financial Abuse Consumer Protection Personal Injury 8755 SW Citizens Dr., Suite 202 Wilsonville 503-570-8755 See SCHOLARSHIPS / Page 27 Kathleen Massey &HUWL¿HG3XEOLF$FFRXQWDQW Individual Taxes ‡)ULHQGO\FRPSHWHQWRI¿FH ‡,KDQGOH$//WHFKQLFDOZRUNLWLVQRWKDQGHG RIIWRVWDII ‡2QFHDOOLQIRUPDWLRQFRPSOHWHWXUQDURXQG WLPHLVDERXWGD\V ‡&OLHQWFDOOVUHWXUQHGSURPSWO\ ‡1RH[WHQVLRQVH[FHSWIRUWKHFRQYHQLHQFHRIFOLHQW ‡5DWHVUHPDLQWKHVDPH\HDUWR\HDUXQOHVV \RXUWD[OLIHFKDQJHV ‡8SIURQWSULFHHVWLPDWHV 6:&KDUERQQHDX'U6XLWH$භ :LOVRQYLOOHභ ,QWKHVDPHEXLOGLQJDV:LQGHUPHUHLQWKH&KDUERQQHDX9LOODJH&HQWHU NXPFSD#KRWPDLOFRP