April 2019
started. Guests are welcome. Sign up
in the Pro Shop. At the breakfast, we
will serve Bloody Mary's and
Screwdrivers to celebrate the members
who scored a hole-in-one during the
2018-19 golf season: Tom Taylor, Don
Fish, Ken Zinsli, Joe Comella, Dave
Massing, Jackson Bensel, Larry Hall,
Jim Oberg, Bruce Stone.
Men’s Club
Check website for
spring golf events
Most Improved Golfer
"Don't play too much golf. Two rounds
a day are plenty."
~ Harry Vardon
It is spring in April. We are happy to
leave behind winter's record-setting
weather of February
and March. There
were long stretches
where the temperature
didn't reach 50
degrees, and frost
delays and
cancellations abounded. However, the
Men's Club volunteers organized
several social and educational events
for members, family, friends, as well as
the two women's golf clubs Niners and
■ Rules Seminar
■ Taylormade Equipment Seminar
■ Chili Cook-Off Contest
Feedback from attendees was very
positive, and we will again organize
events next winter.
While many of our members travel
south for the winter months, there are
members who stay in Charbonneau and
play through it all. There was the
"Frostbite Open" in January. In the
months following, there were small
groups of members checking their
weather apps to find a break where
they can get on the course for a round.
Men’s Club members Perry Esterson, Paul Robertson and Dave Massing decided golf was more important than
chores at home in early March.
Of course, there is an even smaller
group that takes it to another level of
golfing dedication. Here is a picture of
our members (Perry Esterson, Paul
Robertson and Dave Massing) who
decided that playing golf was more
important than the "fix it" list of things
at home.
Not even the snow stopped them
from their golf in early March.
Admirable by some of us, but
questionable decision-making to the
rest of us, especially our spouses. So, if
you get a call from a fellow Men's Club
member in the winter, and he asks,
"what are up to today?" be very
thoughtful about your answer.
Educational Seminar
April 11 — a Workshop for Mobile
Devices and the Men's Club website will
be held Thursday, April 11, at 2 p.m. in
the Charbonneau Country Club lounge.
Bring your mobile devices (phones,
pads and laptops). John McLain and
others will help you "go mobile" to get
the most current information about golf
events. To sign up, send an email or text
to John McLain at [email protected]
or 503-799-2527.
Website Updated for Spring Golf
Events First Major Golf Event of the Season
Check the website GOLF menu for a
complete list of major events scheduled
for this year. Mark your calendar for
these spring-time dates (see the website
for more details).
■ April 6: Tee Off Breakfast and Saturday, April 6 — the Men's Club
hosts its annual Season Tee Off
Breakfast starting at 7 a.m. at CCC Ball
Room with golf to follow. The Men's
Club is hosting its annual FREE
breakfast to get the 2019 golf season
Canby’s Premier Location for Family Fitness
Hole-In-One winners celebration
■ April 11: Mobile Devices Workshop
(repeat of January workshop)
■ May 8: Men's Night Out, Golf and
508 NW 3rd Avenue
Canby, Oregon
Every Wednesday Night,
8pm - 9:30pm
Tickets $20.00
details apply
Bonus: Join Class Pack and save $10 first month
Expires 4/30/19
“Golf in Spring
Plugged balls abound
Handicaps increasing
After posting each round
Golf in Spring
Rain Gear packed
Stretch and Warm Up
Must get that sweet swing back
Golf in Spring
Better than Winter
Wet and muddy conditions
But warmer sunny weather
Golf in Spring
I’m ready to play
Bag and Clubs cleaned
Going to be a great day”
—- —- —-
Purchase your tickets today at
365 S Redwood St.
Canby, Or 97018
FREE Single Class Drop-in
The season-long competition for the
most improved golfer is underway.
Here are the current standings, as of
March 1, 2019. Check the website
under the GOLF menu for more
1 Esterson, Perry
2 Wiese, Bob
3 Werth, Brad
4 Comella, Joe
5 Nebert, Dan
6 Leeper, Ron
7 Demartino, Lou
8 Morishita, Ford
9 Davey, Tony
10 Robertson, Paul ■
April 13th,
7:30pm - 9:30pm
wine & desert
Tickets $$18.00
May 12th
1pm - 4pm
Royal Tea and
Michael Allen Harrison
Tickets $69.00