Check in for a one night stay at The Fort Garry Hotel in downtown Winnipeg , Mb ., and enjoy some well deserved relaxation . spa + yoga overnight packages include : two yoga public classes , ten Spa ' s self-administered Hamam treatment , spa dinner and full hot
Cellar Door
Publisher and Marketing Director Megan Kozminski megan @ poisepublications . com
Editorial Director Lisa Muirhead lisa @ poisepublications . com
Art Director Aubrey Amante , CR3ATIVE cr3ativegraphics @ gmail . com
Sales Associate Vanessa Shapiro vanessa @ poisepublications . com
Contributors Tina Jones , Todd Antonation , Andrea Eby , Carol Fletcher , Traci Friesen , Jennifer Hiebert , Gary Hewitt , Sylvia Jansen , Jill Kwiatkoski , Paul Martens , Shirley Martens , Ian McCausland , Saralyn Mehta , Mike Muirhead , Stephen Muirhead , Darren Raeside , Rob Stansel , Rick Watkins spa + yoga overnight packages
Published for Banville & Jones Wine Co . by
Poise Publications Inc . 101-478 River Ave , Suite 707 Winnipeg , MB R3L 0B3 poisepublications . com
$ 139
FRoM peR peRSon *
Check in for a one night stay at The Fort Garry Hotel in downtown Winnipeg , Mb ., and enjoy some well deserved relaxation . spa + yoga overnight packages include : two yoga public classes , ten Spa ' s self-administered Hamam treatment , spa dinner and full hot
breakfast or our famous Sunday brunch .
204.946.6529 1.800.665.8088
For advertising information , please contact megan @ poisepublications . com
Banville & Jones Wine Co . is a fine wine boutique in Winnipeg , Manitoba that specializes in promoting wine education and lifestyle . Opened by sisters Tina Jones and Lia Banville in 1999 , it is located in a three-storey Tuscan-inspired facility that houses fine wine and accessories , an educational facility , and a private function room .
Banville & Jones Wine Co . 1616 St Mary ’ s Rd . Winnipeg , MB R2M 3W7 ph . 204-948-9463 banvilleandjones . com banvilleandjones . cornervine . com
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H o T e l , S p a a n d C o n F e R e n C e C e n T R e
RaTeS aRe peR peRSon , baSed on double oCCupanCy . SinGle SuppleMenT $ 60 . blaCkouT daTeS apply and RaTeS SubjeCT To CHanGe . TaxeS and GRaTuiTieS noT inCluded .