banville & jones and company
On April 28 , The Cellar Door took home the 2011 Manitoba Magazine Publishers ’ Association People ' s Choice Consumer Magazine of the Year Maggie Award , in what CBC ' s Terry McLeod termed a " landslide win ," with double the votes of any other magazine nominated .
Friends of Banville & Jones ( clockwise from the top ): The 2011 Manitoba Magazine Publishers ’ Association Maggie Awards : Jill Kwiatkoski ( Banville & Jones ), Megan Kozminski ( Poise Publications ), Lisa Muirhead ( Poise Publications ), Pauline Lomax ( Banville & Jones ), and Mike Muirhead ( Banville & Jones ); Jorge Crotta of Bodega Catena Zapata in Argentina enjoys The Cellar Door ' s Champagne issue ; Serge Levesque of the Rolland Collection shares Michel Rolland ’ s wines with the customers of Banville & Jones .
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