The Cellar Door Issue 04. The Napa Valley. | Page 41


By Saralyn Mehta , Sommelier ( ISG ), CSW
Did you ever have one of those days ? You know , the one that starts with your alarm not going off , no hot water in the shower , the pants you need still in the washing machine from the night before , and every red light seemingly conspiring to make you even later for work than you already are ? We all have them and I ’ m no exception ; sometimes I feel like the rule . When I have had one of those days , I know I need something special to remind me that life hasn ’ t gone to hell in a handbasket . For some it is jewellery , for others it might be clothes or even just a hot bath ; for me it is a little time to myself and a great Napa Cabernet or Zinfandel .
Today happened to be one of those days , so before I was leaving the store , I grabbed a bottle of Crauford Tattoo Napa Cabernet ($ 86.99 ) and happily began to walk toward the front till . Something in my head urged me , “ Avoid personal humiliation and check your bank account .” Now , I am a big believer in credit and overdraft , but suffice to say the figure staring back at me from the screen could only be equated to the voice of the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld angrily saying “ NO NAPA FOR YOU .” And so I stood there , mired in that age-old dilemma : Champagne palate on a Diet Coke budget . What ’ s a girl to do ? When you are craving Napa but can ’ t have it , where do you go from there ?
First stop , California ’ s Central Coast . Look for wines from Paso Robles or the Santa Ynez Valley . Though still not inexpensive , you can get a great Cabernet for around $ 25 . I really like the Liberty School Cabernet out of Paso Robles , and for those who gravitate to white wine , they make a pretty darn great Chardonnay as well . My next stop , Central Valley . Though this area has traditionally been known for bulk wine production ( it is home to the massive efforts of E & J Gallo as well as Mondavi ’ s Woodbridge line ), some hidden gems are quickly emerging . McManis Family Vineyards , located in the American Viticultural Area ( AVA ) of River Junction , are making really impressive wines . Their Cabernet cannot be beat at $ 21.99 , but don ’ t stop there because their other wines are equally as impressive , and all under $ 22 .
Another area of the Central Valley that will provide you with wines full of guts and glory is Lodi . Yes , the area gives you great Cabernets but you should also try the Zinfandeldriven blend of Laurel Glenn ’ s Reds , A wine for the people .
Some wines just knock your socks off and this is one of them — especially falling in at only $ 19.99 .
If the $ 20 mark is still pushing it financially do not count out wines that fall under the basic California appellation . Though a little like shopping at Winners ( you have to wade through the piles of polyester to find a great cashmere ), this basic appellation can still give you some great bang for your buck . Wineries like Beaulieu Vineyards , based in Napa , make wines in a range of price points . Their premier wines are made with Napa fruit .
Their entry-level line , called BV Coastal , is made from fruit coming from anywhere in California and really over-delivers for under $ 15 . In this range , it is a little bit of hit or miss , but just ask and you can be guided to some really amazing finds . There is nothing more fun than finding a wine that defies its price point .
For those of you who are wondering how my long , bad day ended up , I didn ’ t get the Crauford Tattoo or much time to myself . I did get some BV Coastal Cabernet , with a rousing game of Sorry and a big hug from my son , Max . Sometimes life is like the Rolling Stones say : you can ’ t always get what you want , but if you try , sometimes , you get what you need . � www . banvilleandjones . com 41