The Cellar Door Issue 04. The Napa Valley. | Page 17

Faces and places ( clockwise from top left ): Sylvia Jansen and Lia Banville in Terlan , Italy ; Christopher Sprague , Chef Thomas Keller , and Doug Stephen at The French Laundry , Napa Valley ; Christopher Sprague at Caymus Winery , Napa Valley ; Jill Kwiatkoski in Maipo Valley , Chile ; Cory Mospanchuk , Megan Kozminski , Lisa Muirhead , and Gerald Boiteau at a Cellar Door advertisers ’ event ; Winemaker Howard Soon of Sandhill Wines with Gary Hewitt ; Tina Jones and Joseph Wagner of Caymus Winery ; Chef Mike Dacquisto with Violante Colombini of Donatella Cinelli Colombini Winery . www . banvilleandjones . com 17