The Cell Daily Volume 1 | Page 4


Yesterday a gruesome battle was fought at Point Golgi between the invading Bacteria and the local forces led by General Membrane. The battle, which was fought on the outskirts of Cell Town was a gruesome struggle with both sides losing multiple proteins or so called “soldiers”. The conflict lasted several days and in the end General Membrane was able to prevail.

General Membrane, who also controls the borders of Cell Land was very thrilled with the victory.

“These cells have been putting in hard work to beat these vicious, ruthless bacteria and it payed off and all the thanks should go to them,” proclaimed the General. The conflict, which was originally started by bacteria force sneaking through the General’s “Semi-Permeable” perimeter was a beginning of mass strife in the land. Bacteria continued to plague many cells secretly for months before the deaths were noticed by Head Nurse Cellina. She noticed a very odd trait among the cells as many were dying from odd circumstances, and the population was steadily decreasing. As soon as this was noticed, drastic actions were taken to remove the bacteria resulting in prolonged conflict.

The General used several of his so called “Functions” to keep his men strong and moralized. He was very emphasized in his role of transporting the troops, transporting his proteins and barring diffusion within the Cell Land and the battlefield at Point Golgi. With these things, he was able to fulfill his functions within Cell Land.

Another thing helping him were his personal structures. His personal structures of protein and

phospholipids helped make up his structure which made the task much easier for Mr. Membrane. Overall, this struggle helped make the General a praised hero throughout cell land.

General Membrane saves Cell Town

New Elections Soon

The Cell Land Presidential Elections are just around the corner. This year, the two primary runners are current president, Lysosome Nucleus and Golgi Mitochondria. According to our our poll conducted here at Cell Daily, President Nucleus currently holds 98% of peoples votes. Election Day is scheduled for Wednesday, March 15th and with this election the serving of the 155th term will be commenced.