The Catalyst Volume 8, Issue 3 | Page 26




This summer, two Alumni Advisory Committee members, Abby and Sam, worked with staff to host the first ever All Alumni Zoom Reunion on August 9th. Over 30 alumni, current, and former faculty attended. Zooming in from Chile, kayak laden cars, the shores of the Pacific Ocean, and the comfort of Asheville homes, alumni reminisced with old friends and swapped stories with new acquaintances. Participants were asked to share a memorable moment from their time at Alzar School as well as a piece of advice for incoming students. Older alumni curiously asked Spring 2020 students about living on Base Patagonia, Alzar School’s Chilean base of operations, while others bonded over shared experiences like the Rio Baker portage day and love for manjar. This reunion, spanning years of Alzar School semesters and programs, was sure to be the start of a time honored tradition amongst our alumni and staff.


Alzar School will host the 6th Annual Foundations Film Festival as a virtual event this year. Typically shown at our local theater, this event features short documentary films that touch upon at least one of Alzar School’s six foundations. This year, we are excited to bring a new set of exciting and thought provoking films. Stay tuned!

Foundations Film Festival

Launches September 26th

August 9, 2020

For availability and more information, contact our Admissions Department.

Spring 2021 SEMESTER

Apply now!