The Catalyst Volume 8, Issue 3 | Page 7

"[At Alzar School] I gained a new appreciation for the world and people around me"

- Abbie Denhart

Spring 2018 alumna

masked and/or socially distant. Meals are also served in waves and eaten outside in the initial time period. Nonetheless, there are some programmatic challenges Alzar School will continue to face. We are still uncertain whether international travel to Chile will be possible. Time will tell, but we are optimistic that, even if we cannot make our trip to South America, we can offer exciting and new domestic-based expeditions as well as cultural exchange and leadership experiences that will fulfill our mission of building leaders who positively impact the world.

It’s been a communal effort to get ready for this year, with people pitching in to haul concrete, hang curtains, weed whack, and sanitize. As an organization, we are not averse to adapting and working hard. In fact, this is the norm. The overwhelming abundance of positivity from our staff as they jumped in to help with construction, learn new protocols and adjust programmatically, gives us reassurance and hope that we can mitigate the risk of COVID-19 and operate an in-person experience that is equally, if not more, powerful than that of past semesters. It is clear that we are living in historic times, yet Alzar School is poised and determined to emerge from the current challenge stronger and better than ever.