The Catalyst Issue 5 | Winter 2010 | Page 17

W. Roy Smythe, MD, Chairman of the Department of Surgery “Before the first injured patient arrived, there were more than 20 surgeons, in addition to the emergency room and anesthesia staff and the countless support personnel, ready and waiting in the Scott & White emergency room. There were five or six fully staffed, fully equipped trauma bays ready and waiting. To a casual observer, it might have looked chaotic, but everyone was actually calm and professional. It felt as if we had done this several times before—maybe even the day before—even though that was obviously not the case. “The response and the way that the patients were dealt with that day bring home two important points: One, the modern trauma system, developed by the American College of Surgeons, and the highest level centers like ours—Level I trauma centers—have saved tens if not hundreds of thousands of lives due to preparation, readiness and a systematic approach to these patients. Two, it helps if those who staff your Level I trauma center are exceptional. Ours are. We are the only Level I trauma center between Austin and Dallas. That makes us ‘the center’ for Central Texas. This hopefully demonstrates to those whom we serve that | Winter 10 THE CATALYST 17