The Catalyst Issue 20 | December 2014 | Page 29

when he came across a Scott & White brochure in the dean’s office. “I asked my mom what she knew of Scott & White, and she said, ‘It’s the Mayo Clinic of the South,” he says. It wasn’t long before the young doctor was looking further into what Scott & White had to offer. “I fell in love with Scott & White, and how small the residency program was at the time,” Dr. Ransom says. “I had been at Texas A&M for my undergraduate degree, and at UTMB there were 200 students per class. At Scott & White, there were only four residents per group, every year.” This allowed the future pediatrician to get the hands-on experience he wanted but would not have been able to receive at a larger medical center. The family-oriented atmosphere and the hospital staff also drew Dr. Ransom to the Scott & White residency program. This was perfect for the physician, who was already married. By the end of the residency program, he and his wife, Chris, were expecting their third child. “When I finished my residency, I joined the Scott & White staff as a pediatrician in Temple. And when a position opened up in College Station, we moved here,” he says. “It was just before Halloween in 1987, and this is the only job I’ve had since.” Generations grow up Dr. Ransom spent the next 26 years developing a following of pediatric patients, and watching children grow from babies to adolescents to young adults. More recently he’s had the chance to care for the children of his former patients. And although seeing his young patients grow and flourish over the years has brought him great joy, he also finds contentment in watching young parents grow in their role as well. “We watch them go 26 years, Dr. Ransom finally got what he and his colleagues had wished for—a Scott & White hospital in College Station. “To come here, develop a following of patients, and open a hospital to completely serve their needs is a dream come true,” Dr. Ransom says. He is currently serving as the first president of the medical staff. “We’re all pulling in the same direction. We know everybody who interacts with eac