The Catalyst Issue 19 | August 2014 | Page 2

The CATALYST CONTENTS Our COMMITMENT 4 H  elping Hands, Healthier Communities We’ve made a promise to our communities to improve their health, giving them the resources, tools, and coaching they need 18 P  erfect Fit Personalized medicine gets a jump start here, giving vascular patients a brand new, life-changing reality 26 8 18 Our INNOVATION Ready to Respond When the unthinkable or unexpected happens, our emergency and trauma services teams are here, integrating care across the board for all kinds of life-threatening situations Defining Moment  A new generation of radiation therapy achieves a new level of success for patients with cancer 22  exas Strong T Life lessons from a young man with a rare bone disease. His wisdom is hard won, as he embraces life with gusto COVER: The Star of Life is a blue, six-pointed star, outlined with a white border that features the rod of Asclepius in the center, originally designed and governed by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) under the United States Department of Transportation (DOT). Traditionally in the United States the logo was used as a stamp of authentication or certification for ambulances, paramedics or other EMS personnel. Internationally, it represents emergency medical services (EMS) units and personnel. 2 THE CATALYST August 14 | 22