The Catalyst Issue 12 | Fall 2011 | Page 36

Scott & White pediatric specialists collaborate and communicate with pediatricians and family practice physicians throughout Central Texas OUR PRIMARY CARE PARTNERS reserving a child’s relationship with his pediatrician or family practice physician is vitally important when that child needs specialty pediatric care. His primary care physician is his medical home, the person who, along with his parents, knows the child best. Parents whose children receive specialty care from the experts at the Children’s Hospital Scott & White can rest assured P 36 THE CATALYST Fall 11 | that their child’s primary care physician is working alongside the specialists. And parents’ voices are part of each child’s treatment plan as well. When a pediatrician recommends that a child see a specialist, many questions can run through a parent’s mind. Will my child be all right? Will my insurance company cover the care? How far will we have to travel? Will we lose touch with our pediatrician or family physician? Fortunately, the Children’s Hospital is nearby, and its pediatric specialists, caregivers, and administrative professionals work closely with parents and the referring physicians—both those within the healthcare system and those in other places across Central Texas—to address concerns and incorporate ideas that will best serve each child.